Chapter 46

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The following day, Karthik went bank to his city. Before leaving, he warned me that I need to think carefully what I want. I was confused so much. My life was fine before few months. But now suddenly, it messed up again. I left my house, my city in only one hope that I will never meet them again. But they are coming one by one and making me frustrated.

I shook my head from all nonsense thoughts. I decided to forget for now. I will face whatever will happen in future. I don't want to waste my energy for what I don't want.

As usually, After sending Aahan to his school, I came to office. I started to complete my work which I left yesterday.

I was doing my work when I heard the knock on my door. I looked towards door abd replied. I saw Nimish came in. I greeted to him and asked, "Do you need any help?"

He looked at me and asked with hestitation, "Actually, I an here to ask you something."

I nodded because I thought it's related to work but I was wrong when I heard him to ask, "Is Mr Karthik really your brother?"

I was shocked why he was asking like it because he asked that same question yesterday. But I nodded, "Yes" I didn't ask or say anything because I wanted to know what's going on in his mind.

He said in low voice, "Mr Karthik has only one sister who married to boss. It mean you are boss's ex wife?" Last sentence was like question. My eyes widened with shock after hearing it. I thought Nimish knew nothing about me. But I was wrong. I didn't meet him in past. Karan hired him later as Shlok told me. Then how did Nimish know and how much?

I knew there was no use to lie and I don't want how much did he know about it. That's why I nodded. When I nodded, he was looking me with shocked.

I asked with hestitation, "Mr Nimish, why are you asking it?"

He didn't answer me but his next question shocked me more, "Then why did you cheat boss?"

I was shivered after hearing it. I didn't cheat karan but I can't tell Nimish. Shlok told me Nimish is loyal to Karan and moreover Nimish is nobody to me while karan is his boss.

That time I lied to Karan because I thought I won't meet him or anyone in past. I knew Karan would give me divorce because our marriage is contracted. And our marriage base was his grandmother. After her death, our marriage would be baseless. I was scared what would karan take decision after knowing I was pregnant. That's why I lied. But I never thought someone asked me that question.

I gulped my saliva because I was thinking what to say him or how to give him answer.

I opened my mouth to say, "I...." But before I say something else, I heard the door opened and Shlok came.

Shlok looked Nimish coldly and said with anger, "How dare to ask her like it? Who are you asking her?"

I was shocked to Shlok's behaviour because I never saw him angry like it.

Nimish looked at Shlok and tried to say something, "Actually, I...."

Shlok didn't let him finish and gave order, "Now, you can go. I have talk to kavya alone." He insisted on last word 'alone'.

Nimish looked at me with guilty after left.

Shlok came near me and asked, "Are you alright?"

After hearing his concerned voice, the tears flowed from my eyes. I bit my lips to not crying loudly.

Shlok hugged me and said with smoothing voice, "It's ok, kavya." Then he said with gritted voice, "He became so bold. I will talk to bro seriously about him."

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