Chapter 30

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In the morning, I got up by my alarm. As shlok and I decided to visit city, I was in good spirit. I went to bathroom to take shower. I heard 'Play n Food Park' opened in the city two years ago but it's famous. I wanted to go but I couldn't. That's why I mentally noted to go with shlok there.

I took my time into bathroom and came out with wearing bathrobe. I specially worn full dress before coming out from bathroom on his home. But it's my room and nobody can come without my permission that's why I was careless.

I stood in front of wardrobe with humming my favourite song. I opened the wardrobe and started to think what should to wear today. The wardrobe was full with my old clothes which I used before marriage. That's why it was mostly jeans, top, skirt, one piece dresses and etc. It's hard to choose one because they all were my favourites.

Before I chose one, I felt his breath on my back neck. His one hand was on my waist. He put his chin on my shoulder and looked forward. It felt he was hugging me from back. I gulped my saliva. My mind got numb. Before I respond, he took out a light sea blue and green colour dress from my wardrobe and put it into my hand and said into my ear, "wear it."

I felt goosebumps on my whole body to hear his husky voice. I came into senses when I heard the sound of closed bathroom door. I was standing there in confusion for few minutes while I heard the water sound from bathroom. 'What is he doing into my room?' I was asking and answering myself. 'He is my husband. It's common to share bedroom. How can I forget about it?' shit... Shit... I cursed myself mentally many times. I slept last night early that's why I didn't remember when he came into last night. Even, I didn't see him when I woke up that's why I totally forgot about him. But when I woke up, he was not in room. Then when did he come into room? Then I looked myself. Shit... I only worn wardrobe. How can I be so careless. I wanted to dig the hole and hid into it with embrassment. I rushed into store room which was attached to my room for changing.

I changed my clothes and waited that I should have go outside or not. But I couldn't hide here whole time. I thought many times and decided to face the consequences. After all, it happened.

When I came out, he was already into room. He looked at me and smirked, "I thought you would hide there whole time."

My cheeks got hot with embrassment but I rolled my eyes as I didn't hear him. When I was combing my hairs, I heard his voice, "come downstairs. Everyone is waiting for us in dinning table."

As he said, he got out from room. I wanted to shout, 'hey, it's my home... Not yours...' but he left before I could say anything.

After getting ready, I went to dinning table where they were waiting for me.

After eating, shlok and I went to 'play and food park' as I decided. After 35 minutes, we reached our destination. Shlok bought the tickets for us.

There were museum, water park, slides, 7d shows theatre and many others for enjoyment. We didn't plan to swim that's why we went first museum. There were many ancient and modern items. After that, we watched 7d shows. We ate and did fun whole day. After many years, I was feeling happy.

At night, we decided to go bar. I only knew one bar in that city where I met to karan first time. I recalled when I met him first time, we didn't like to each other that time but we married now. I shook my head to not think about it any more.

We got out from car and I tugged my hand into shlok's arm and told with smile, "let's go inside. I want to you meet my friend."

He looked at me and asked with raising with eyebrows, "you have friend?"

I glared at him with anger. He quickly understood and apologized, "kavya, sorry I didn't mean it."

I blew my hand into air and said nonchalantly, "it's ok. Today I am in good mood. I am excited to meet me. He helped me many times and he is nice to me. Let's go." I explained him.

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