chapter 7

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It was my family reunion. I, My parents and kartik were in kartik study room. They wanted to talk me and I was waiting what they wanted to talk. After that I would go in my room. I didn't like my parents because they were not my side while I am their daughter. They should protect me. I sat on the couch with my both hands into my lap.

Kartik broke the silence and ordered me, "you have to sign this contract." He handed over me some papers. I looked at him with confusion. My both parents seated with hanging down their heads.

"What is this?" I recollected my courage and asked him.

"Read it. You will find yourself." He told me without any expression.

As I starting to read that contract, I started to shake. It was the contract of wedding between Mr. Karan and mine. There were many clauses but I couldn't read because of my tears.
I only read that he can give me divorce anytime when he wants.  "How can you do with me like that? I am your sister, dammit." I almost yelled. I was angry. I couldn't control myself anymore.

"Don't dare to talk me like that." He snapped.

I looked at my parents, "you don't say anything." They looked at me with hurting expression. But I was not going to melt now.

"You have to do it, Kavya." Kartik told me.

"No way" I yelled with my whole engery.

"If you don't do it, I will force you. I have many way you to do it." He screamed.

I threw those papers on his table and ran towards my room. I locked it from inside and sat there by back door. I cried loudly. I was thinking many options what I could do or do not. I wanted to run away but kartik would find me soon and he would punish me. I couldn't do suicide because I was not coward. I heard knock on my door. I ignored it. After some seconds, I heard again with my mom's voice, "kavya open it." I was sobbing. I was not paying attention to her any words.  She knocked again, "baby, please, talk to me." I opened door without willing.
She entered the room and closed the door behind her. I sat on the bed. I didn't want to talk her. She sat beside me and took my hand into her hands, "Kavya we are sorry." I looked at her with confusion. She noticed and said again, "your father and I both of us are regretted. We are the cause of your pain.  We should protect you but we didn't. We thought kartik would understand he is doing wrong. But we were wrong. Your father gave him authority into business. Kartik and you are heirs of our property but kartik took over all business himself. And you never show any interest into business. That's why it's seemed fine for us from starting..... but now, we are regretting. We want to protect you but we are hopeless. Please try to understand our situation. Kartik is facing losses from past years. Karan promised to help him in business."

"But mom, he is 8 years elder than me. And he can give divorce any time." I said with anger.

"I know everything. He is getting married with you because of his grandmother. She saw you in a party. Do you remember we going to Mrs kapur's party two months ago?"

"I didn't remember." I told her nonchalant.

"Ok, it's fine." She sighed and continued, "it's important to know you that he has to marry you as you have to."

"But why? He can deny it. Who will force him?" I asked with frustration.

"He can't. He loves his grandmother a lot. She is suffering from illness. It's her last wish that's why he has to fulfill it."

"But you can talk to his grandmother."

"I talked about it that you are younger than him. But she said it's normal. After marriage, everything will be alright."

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