chapter 14

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My sessions with Mr subarmanyam were going well. I was feeling normal again. That's why I trust him because he knows me well and he knows how to treat me.

I didn't know how one week passed away. I didn't listen anything from Karan. I was more relaxed in his absence. I could use room according me. I didn't remember when he was coming. I almost forgot I was sharing that room with him.

The next morning, I felt someone beside me when I woke up. I had not habit to share my bed with someone else. I didn't open my eyes because of fearing. I lied there for some mintues and thought what to do. I made up my mind and opened my eyes. I got up slowly and looked the man beside me. But his face was other side. I tried to look his face but my heart almost spilt because of fearing to hear his voice, "what are you doing?"

With recognised his voice, I got relaxed and put my hand on my heart. I closed my eyes and tried to get normal myself. He was looking me when I opened my eyes. I said in low voice, "I almost scared. Why didn't you wake up last night when you were home."

He sat on the bed of his side, "I came late at night and you were sleeping that's why I let you to relax."

I nodded and I got up from bed. I heard his voice from my back, "ugh! She ruined my sleep."

I pretended as I didn't listen and went to bathroom for morning daily routine.

I was feeling normal by my sessions that's why I felt I didn't need any more now. I texted to Dr subarmanyam for letting him know that I didn't need more sessions. He texted me back if I need, I can call him anytime.

I recalled that day when I met to shlok. He was looking like Karan. But their behavior were different. Karan is arrogant, Moody and bossy while shlok is nice, funny and caring. It was morning and we (grandma, mom, Karan and I) were seated on dining table for breakfast. I heard a cheerful voice from behind me, "good morning everyone." Everyone had a smile on their faces because of him. He hugged grandma from back then mom and seated next to mom and in front of me. He looked at me, "you must be Kavya. Hello, I am shlok."

I nodded with smile while grandma scolded him, "She is your sister in law. You should call her 'bhabhi'."

"Come on grandma. She is younger than me. I call her by her name." He told carelessly. "By the way, I am upset with you. They both have many years age difference. Why did you suggest her for him? You should have suggested her for me. We are almost same age. We could be great couple. What do you think about it, kavya?"

I felt my cheeks got red because of his comments. I kept silent while grandma scolded him again, "you never think before saying."

He laughed and apologied, "I was kidding. Everyone was silent here that's why I think to lighten up everyone mood."

Mom hit his arm lightly and I was feeling awkward.

Karan finished his breakfast and got up. He went to his office and I helped to mom for cleaning dinning table.  Shlok came to near me, "I am sorry if you don't like it."

I gave him smile because I don't know what to say. Mom said, "kavya, don't take anything serious what he says. He is like that. You have to habit of it soon." He shrugged his shoulder.

Mom, grandma, shlok and I were in the hall and watching serial.

Shlok asked me, "aren't you getting bore. I am getting bore." He made his face

"A little bit." I told him truth.

"Have you visited here local market?"

"I haven't yet." I told him with smile.

"Then let's you. Go and get ready. We will leave in 15 minutes." He said with excitement.

"But..." He cut me off. "No any but..  go." He stood up from his seat and told to grandma and mom, "kavya and I are going out."

Grandma scolded him, "how many times will I  have tell you she is your bhabhi?"

"But I call her by her name." He repeated with smile. He turned towards me, "why are you here? Go and get ready fast." I looked towards mom and grandma. They nodded and I left for getting ready.

After fifteen minutes, someone knocked the door. I was ready but I was putting my stuff into my handbag. I opened the door and there was shlok in front of me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, let me take my hand bag."

"Forget it. You are going with me that's why you don't need it." He suggested.

"But I have habit to take it.  Give me one minute."

I took my handbag and checked everything and came out from my room.

He joked, "you are taking it as we are going for two or three days."

"What a joke." I commented.  As He looked me, I laughed. He laughed and complimented, "You are looking more cute with laughing. You should laugh more."

My cheeks got red with blushing. Nobody never gave me compliment like that. It was my first time.

We watched movie in theater after that we visited local market. It was my first time when I visit local market. I was enjoying to look everything. We looked many things in market. Shlok taught me how to do bargaining with shopkeeper. I learnt many things that day.

After shopping, we went to restaurant for dinner. It was already late that's why we think to take dinner in restaurant. I never thought I would enjoy shopping with him.

We gave our orders and waited for our meals.

"So tell me. Do you enjoy today?" He asked with excitement.

"Yeah a lot." I told him with cheerful voice.

"It's feeling relaxed to hear it. Mom told me you almost stayed at home. You didn't go out and never talk to your friends. That's why I thought to take you out."

"Yeah, because I have no friend. And I have habit to stay home. It's normal for me." I told him truth. I was feeling relaxed around him.

"Oh, it's mean you didn't enjoy today. You are saying it because of me." He said with disappointed.

"No it's not like it. I really enjoyed it. I am feeling like I am living my life again." I took a relax breath.

Waiter took our orders and he served on our table.

We were enjoying our meal. Shlok asked, "you enjoyed it. May I consider it as a date?"

I thought for a second and told him, "I don't know about it. Because it is my first time to go out with a guy like it. I can only say that I seriously enjoyed a lot today."

He smiled and beamed, "then make it habit because we are go out a lot like it."

I smiled and nodded. We enjoyed our meal.

Grandma and mom were glad to see me happy. I was also happy because I really enjoyed that day. I didn't remember last time when I laughed so much. And most importantly I felt relaxed and safe around him. He was different person around me. I almost forget my all pain and past.

Now, we spend more time together.  We understand to each other without saying. He never asked about any question which was difficult for me. We became close to each other within some days.  He told me about him everything. How his parents died into accident in his childhood. Mom, grandma, dad and Karan helped him and now he is family member of this family. Karan is arrogant but he loves him a lot. He takes care him.

Shlok has no interest in business that's why he went other city for study.  Now, he is feeling incomplete without his family that's why he came back. He is free to do anything. Nobody pressured him for anything. He is happy and satisfied with his family. He told me about his girlfriends but they were only time pass for him. Sometimes, I made fun him for it. He pretended that he is angry but I knew how to make him laugh.

It was hard for me to tell him everything. It is not like that I don't trust him but I was worried for his reaction. And he never asked me anything about me. If I changed the topic, he understands it and don't pressure for anything that's why I felt more comfortable around him.

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