Chapter 52

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I thought whole night but I couldn't decide anything. I didn't want to do anything which I will regret in future. Karan told there was plenty of time that's why I have time.

The following day, the office was as usual. It was afternoon time. I was working in my cabin. Then I heard the knock on my door. I replied to come in but when the door opened I was shocked. I stood from my chair, "kara... Sir."

He curled his lips, "It's ok kavya. You don't need to call me formally. I come here to ask you. Did you eat your lunch?"

I looked at watch. It's almost lunch time. I shook my head, "Actually...."

He said, "Then let's go and eat together."

I refused, "I already carried my lunch box."

He told, "We can give lunch box to Shlok. He will be happy."

I bit my lips, "But...."

He didn't let me to say, "Kavya, I am asking you to go out on date. Do you understand what I am implying? We should spend more time with each other."

I shook my head, "But there was already rumours about us. I don't want to include others."

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care. By the way, What about to care when it will be going true in future?" Before I refused, he held my hand and said, "Let's go."

I asked, "Didn't you say I have plenty of time to think?"

He nodded, "Yeah, you have time. But how will you decide untill you spend time with me."

He didn't listen me anymore but dragged me into his car.

We were sitting in restaurant and he gave me menu to order. We gave our order and waiter left our table.

I glared at him angrily. He asked nonchalantly, "Did you have something to say me?"

I asked with angry, "Karan, don't you think you are insisting me? Didn't you say I can decide myself?"

He didn't deny and nodded, "ofcourse you can decide. Nobody will force you to marry me this time. But Kavya, don't you think we should spend time with eachother that's why we can more understand eachother. I know there was many things happened in past which shouldn't be happen. But we can't change past. I hope you forget about past. As we can start our life again. I also didn't want to remember past."

I said with gritted my teeth, "I can't forget past."

He took deep breath and said, "ok... don't forget past. Let's start again. Hmm?"

I signed, "But Karan, I need time to think. Can you understand it?"

He nodded, "Take your time as much as you want. But I want to spend some time with you. I won't insist you but hope you understand."

I looked at him with confusion. I didn't know what's going on his mind.

The waiter came with our order and we started to eat with talking to each other. I felt uncomfortable but comfortable with him same time. Everything was going perfectly between us before grandma death but suddenly why everything changed after her death. I wanted to ask him, 'did he have no feeling for me in past?' but I couldn't ask him. Because if answer wouldn't be what I want to hear, then my little hope will die.

We talked during lunch a little but the atmosphere between us was not awkward but comfortable. After lunch, Karan drove the car towards office. He parked the car in parking area. I turned towards him and said politely, "Thank you for lunch." He only nodded

Before I unbuckled my seatbelt, he said, "Kavya..."

I looked at him. He held my head from back and put his lips on mine. I got shocked. I didn't expect him to kiss me. I started to lose control myself. Before I started to give response, he left my lips but put his forehead on my forehead, "I wish you agree soon."

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