Chapter 10

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It was the day of our trip. I didn't know where were we going yet. But I was so much excited. I packed my bags with my necessary stuffs and of course my clothes. I had not fancy clothes so much... Mostly were saree and kurtis. But I promised myself I would go shopping after reaching my destination.

Karan and I said goodbye to grandma and mom. We were riding by car to airport. During riding, it was silent. But I put my headphones on my ears and enjoying music. I was feeling alive after many years. May be that marriage was not bad deal as I thought.

We did check in at airport and waited for our flight and of course Shifali. I went to washroom and changed my kurti and legging with top and jeans which was in my handbag. I changed Bangles with bracelet and wash my face. I did some makeup. I was feeling hungry and our flight was within one hour. I went to cafeteria and ordered burger and coke for me. I took corner seat and sat down with my meal. I was enjoying and looking my surroundings. There were some couples, families and friends. They were all laughing and enjoying. I bit my cheek with my teeth. Of course I was jealous to all of them. Not that they were happy but they had someone with whom they could share their feelings. While I had no one with whom I could talk as I am. My life was only fake. Everyone seems I had a perfect life, perfect family but I had opposite. I had no one who cares me. I felt some moisture into my eyes but I took a long breath and control my tears. I promised myself if even I had no one but I live for myself and enjoy every moment of my life. I smiled for myself and went towards waiting area. I spotted Karan and Shifali who was talking about something. They were looking serious that's why I didn't like to bother them. I sat on seat a far from them.

Finally, it was my flight announcement. I jumped from my seat with joy. I went near them. Shifali looked at me and gave me smile. I don't know why. But I thought she want to be polite. That's why I gave her back smile.

We checked in for our flight and I gave my seat to Shifali which was next to Karan. She took it with happiness. I took her seat which was four seats behind them. I didn't want to spend a moment with them. At least in my flight, I could avoid them. My seat was window corner. I sat on it with comfortable. Next to me, it was a guy which was around my age and beside him, it was a lady around fifty.  When our plane flew, I was scared but it's gone soon. That guy chuckled lightly but I heard it. I looked at him with anger. He raised his hand in surrender and apolized, "sorry, I know it's rude. But you was looking pretty when you were scared."

I gasped, "I think when we looked someone pretty, we don't chuckle."

He smirked, "yeah, but it would be also rude to say funny to someone pretty."

I blushed, "but it makes sense."

He smiled and apologized again.

I told him, "it's ok. It is my first flight."

He said, "I can understand. You are brave because I was almost screamed to my first flight." He laughed. I also laughed, "really?"

He nodded and we trust into laughter. He introduced himself, "I am Shiva."

I smiled, "I am kavya."

"So you are going alone?"

"Yeah" I lied.

"And your parents allow you?"

"It's not just like it. I got high marks in my gradution and it is gift from my parents. My friends already reached in morning. They will meet me there."

He sighed, "ohh then congratulations. I can say that you are from rich family." He gave smile and I nodded with smile, "and what about you?"

"Oh me.. I am going to spend my holiday with my friends." He pointed towards back seats, "they are friends. It's my bad luck that I got stuck here without my friends but I am thinking now. It's my good luck. May be it is destiny that's why we met."

"May be" I shrugged.

We shared a lot of things together. He told me about his college while I told about mine. I was careful to share my personal details with him. He was stranger and I couldn't believe to him.  And most important, I was not alone. But that flight was really amazing than my expectations.

After three hours, we landed on my favorite destination. Of course Goa. As I came out from plane with my handbag. I took a deep relaxing breath. He chuckled and we both went to luggage area. We took our luggages and he said goodbye and left.

I went towards Karan and shifali. They had already their luggages. Shifali looked at me and commented, "I thought you are going with your friend."

I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. She gasped but she didn't say anything. Thank God, Karan didn't say anything. We took taxi and ride towards our hotel. It was silent riding while I was looking outside through window. It was five star hotel. We already booked two rooms. We did check in into our hotel. As we decided earlier. Karan and shifali was sharing one room while I was staying her room.  I went to my room and locked it. I put my luggage a side and throw my bag on bed. It had single bed and I checked my room. It was as big as my room in my house. It has wall painting and one couch. It has attached bathroom with all tolities stuff. I already love it and I had to stay there two weeks. I jumped on my bed it was comfortable. I smiled because for two weeks, I had not to sleep on floor.

I decided to explore that hotel that's why I grabbed my handbag and left my room. I stretched my body and put a smile on my lips. I went to reception where we did check in just fifteen minutes ago.

A receptionist asked with poliete, "madam, may I help you?"

"Yeah, I want to go to shopping complex."

She nodded and called a taxi for me which hotel provided services for their customers.

I waited for it. Within ten minutes, I was in taxi. He gave me ride for shopping complex. I took his number and told him for wait.

I entered to it. It was huge and many branded shops. I went one of them and choose some tank tops, jeans, shorts, skirts, tops, dresses and went to trial room. I tried every and select some for me. I gave my credit card which my mom gave for me to reception for payment. I didn't want to use his money for me.

Now I went to undergarments shop and choose some ligeries and bikni for me. It was one piece with half thigh. I paid and called to taxi man.

I came out from complex and I spotted my taxi.

When I reached at hotel. It was dinner time. Receptionist asked me for dinner to serve in my room or I prefer to go cafeteria. I preferred to cafeteria. I put my shopping bags into my room and changed my clothes into newly top and skirt.

I entered into cafeteria after locking my room. There was a lot of people. Some were seated and took their dinner. Some were serving for themselves. I spotted Karan and shifali but I ignored them because I wanted to enjoy my every moment. I served my plate myself and took a seat a far from them.

After dinner, I walked into garden which was into hotel. After some minutes, I sat on a bench and checked my social media account into my phone which I didn't open from some days. There was a lot of notification. I like some pic of my friends and commented on some. I clicked my pics and posted on it.

I was feeling my eyelids became heavy that's why I came in my room and locked from inside. I changed my clothes into payjama and top and laid into bed. I didn't know when I slept.

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