Chapter 18

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Shlok went out for three days. He didn't mention me where he was going. I asked Mom about him. She also didn't know where he went.
It was 11 pm. Karan already slept. I was going to sleep. I heard the knock on the door. I opened the door and there was shlok outside the door.
I asked, "when did you come back?"
He replied with clam, "just now. Get ready tomorrow. We are going somewhere."
I asked with excitement, "where?"
He smiled, "it's surprise." I asked him again but he refused to tell me anything. That's why I let him go.
The next day, he was very excited. After breakfast, he said, "get ready fastly otherwise we would be late."
I asked with laziness, "by the way, where are we going?"
He replied with nicely, "I told you it's surprise. Now go and get ready."
Karan asked immediately, "where are you going?"
I looked at shlok for answering, "kavya is getting bore that's why we are going on vacation. We will be back tomorrow."
He nodded and I went to my room for getting ready.

He was driving and I was sitting in front seat of car.
I asked in boring tone, "when will be reach there?"
He smiled, "you are behaving like a child. Keep patience. We will reach at time."
I made my face, "but I am getting bore."
He only laughed.

After 4 hours driving, we reached at our destination. I got off from the car and stretched my body. I said, "finally, we reached."
He said, "now your surprise are waiting for you."
It was a restaurant and we came inside. The waiter told us our reserved table. We thanked him and we headed off towards our table.
As I settled on seat, I asked with suspicious, "why are you taking me here?" It was a common restaurant and I didn't know why he took me here after 4 hours driving.
He told, "you asked same question many times but my answer is same keep patience."
"I have no patience so tell me what is surprise." I eagerly wanted to know.
He only smiled and said nothing. I looked him with anger but he only smiled.
After some mintues, I heard a male voice from my behind, "Sorry, I am late." I heard that voice before.
Shlok smiled, "it's ok. Have a seat."
He seated next to mine. As I looked his face, my heartbeat stopped for one second. I looked at him with horror. It couldn't be possible. How could it be possible? How could he be alive? It was my dream or reality. My mind was not working.
I came into my sense, when I heard his voice again, "Kavya...." He was shocked more than me.
Shlok stood up from his seat, "I wait outside." He put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and he nodded with smile and left.
I looked at Tushar and I didn't know how to start conversation with him.
He opened his mouth, "it's nice to see you after many years."
I asked him what I wanted to know, "where were you? I thought..." I couldn't complete my sentence because it's hard to say in front of him."
He took a deep breath, "After taking discharge from hospital, I left that city because your brother and his friend warned me that I can't contact with you. They warned me if I contact with you, they will hurt you. I was scared so much." I could see his sorrow in his voice and face.
I controlled my emotions, "I can understand because I was also scared. They told me that you are died."
He tried to smile, "yeah, shlok told me everything. How much you suffered because of me."
I asked with disbelief, "he told you everything."
"Yeah, he cares you." He told me and I nodded.
I told him what I wanted to tell him since two years. He told me what he wanted to tell me. Now, I was relaxed but I needed the answers of many questions. Only one person could give me that answer.
I finally smiled and told him, "now I have to go. See you later."
He smiled, "I am relieved that you are fine. Let's go."
We came out from the restaurant. Shlok was with his car. As we took steps towards him, I saw Karan with him. 'What was he doing here?'
We stopped in front of them. Karan put his hand on my waist and pulled me towards him, "kavya, don't you introduce your friend to me?"
I couldn't understand what's going on.
I asked shlok with pointing. He shrugged his shoulders. Tushar was looking at me for responding. But I was confused because I was not ready for it. And it's hard to process for my mind.
Karan raised his hand for handshaking, "hi, I am Karan, kavya's husband."
Tushar looked at me and nodded. Tushar hold his hand and hand shaked, "hey, I am Tushar. It's nice to meet you." He looked at me, "I have to you. See you later."
I nodded and he left. Shlok asked Karan, "what are you doing here, bro?"
Karan asked, "who is he? And why didn't you tell me?"
Shlok replied, "I will tell you later everything."
I said to shlok, "I have to go to my house."
He asked with concerned, "why?"
"I want to ask kartik something." As I told him, he nodded, "ok, let's go. You seat in the car." I nodded and As I took step towards his car, I stopped me, "I will take you there."
I looked towards shlok and he nodded. I was also not mood in any argument that's why I agreed.
Shlok said, "bye, see you at home." I smiled and Karan and I sat in his car. And shlok left with his car.
Karan ordered the driver and he started the engine. There was silent and he didn't say anything. There was a lot of questions running into my mind. I eagerly wanted to know the answer. Every seconds seemed like the hours. It's hard for me to wait.
I heard karan's voice, "do you know where is kartik this time?"
I shook my head with no, "I call him."
Karan said, "I call him and ask him to meet." I nodded.
Karan called him. After some seconds,
Karan said, "hello kartik. We are coming to meet you. Where are you?"
I couldn't hear what he said.
Karan said, "ok, see you there." He cut the call.
The car was running on the road and I was losing my patience with every seconds.

After three hours, we finally reached at my house. As the car stopped, I opened the car gate and rushed inside the house. Kartik was waiting for us into hall. I looked towards him and said, "I want to talk you in private."
He looked at me in disbelief, "what happened?"
Karan came into hall and he looked towards kartik.
Kartik said, "ok, Karan please wait us here." Karan nodded. He said to me, "come with me."
We went into his room. He asked, "what do you want to know?"
I asked with anger, "why did you lie to me?"
He asked with thinking, "what are you talking, Kavya? Can you explain me?"
I took deep breath and told, "I am asking about Tushar. I saw him today. Why did you tell me that he was died."
He asked, "where did you see him?"
I told him, "it's not your concern. Tell me why did you lie me about him?"
"Then what did I do? You asked me he is died or not. I told what you wanted to you. I had no other option." He replied.
"What you had no other option. You know how much I suffered because of you. Why did you do that to me?" I asked with anger.
He replied with anger, "because I was jealous to you. You were perfect in every way other side I  am not good as you. Dad always compared me with you. I was tired to hear that you are good in this.... Or that. It's true that I was jealous with you."
"You were jealous with me that's why you ruined my life." I asked in disbelief. " You lied to me that Tushar is died because of me. You warned him to stay away from me when you know I like him. You forced me to marry with a man to whom I don't want. Because you were jealous."
He sat on his bed and looked towards me with sorrow, "I am sorry. It's true I have beaten him and you because I was jealous with you. But suitiation was not in my hand. You know Ravi, my friend." I nodded. He continued, "he knew that I was jealous with you. He told me that if I beat your bf, you will scare with me and listen me. I did what he said but I didn't know what was his intention. When I got to know, it's already late and the suitiation was not in my hand. I had only a option to marry you with a man who has more money and power than me and Ravi. Tushar can't protect you from anything. You are my sister and I can't see your life ruin because of me. I already ruined your life. Karan has both and he will protect you from any problem."
My mind was processing everything. I was understanding the situation. But I had one doubt, " but I don't like him and he will give me divorce one day. Then what will happen? Will Ravi not create problem?"
He looked at me and told with clam, "don't worry. I will handle everything then. I have plan. And you want to spend your life according to you. I promise I will not come between your dreams. You will be free what you will want to do."
I looked at him and asked, "do you think I will forget everything so easily?"
He took deep breath, "I know it's hard for you. And I am not good brother for you. I wanted to tell you truth before but I didn't know how would tell you everything. It's good that now you know everything. I am not defending myself but from now, I will try to do my best. I wish one day you will forget past and live happily."

I hoped so.

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