chapter 19

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After talking with kartik, I was so much confused. I thought kartik was behind money but I was wrong. I couldn't decide what to do now. After revealing the truth, my thinking was totally changed. I was blaming kartik for my miserable life but it turned different now.
I came out from my thinking when I heard Shlok's voice, "hey... Are you alright?"
I looked at him with dumbness but I managed to nod. He asked with concerned, "I don't think so. I called your name so many times but you was not listening. What happened? You are looking upset."
I took a deep breath and took time to think how to start. At last I managed to say, "Actually, I couldn't think straight."
"I noticed you are upset since that day. Are you not happy that Tushar is alive." He joked.
I smiled, "it's not like it. I am most happily person that he is alive. I was suffering since many years that I was caused to his death. I am relieved now." I told him everything what kartik told me. He didn't disturb me as usual. After listening he didn't say anything. I was waiting for his response. When I couldn't control myself, I asked, "don't you wanna say something?"
He sighed deeply, "you was misunderstood about kartik intention. Now you knew his intentions are good for you. What did you decide?"
"It's hard to decide anything. I am so confused now. I felt my life is completely changed. I believed that kartik is behind money that's why he wanted me to marry Karan. But he was protecting me. I felt now that kartik and I deceived Karan. I am not feeling comfortable." I told him truth. It's easy to say him everything.
"Why are thinking about Karan now? You have already your own problem. And why are you thinking that you deceive him?" He asked me with curiosity.
I looked at him with unbelievable, "he is your cousin. He may be in problem because of kartik and me. Taking money is different than risking his life  because of me. I don't want like that."
"Then what do you want?" He is more curious.
I sighed deeply, "I don't know now. It's better that kartik told me truth before this marriage."
"I think you should think about other issues than it. And if you think you deceive karan, why don't you ask him directly...?" He suggested.
I didn't say anything. Because he was right. I was getting more confused from more thinking.
I had to attend party with Karan. It was private and official party and it was beneficial for his business. I am his official wife that's why it's my duty to attend party with him.
I prepared myself to talk him. I already decided what I want. I had no opportunity to talk him at home that's why I planned to tell him in that party.
After chatting with everyone, I sat on a sided couch. I was waiting for Karan to finish. And it was the time to rehearsal everything again. I was nervous because I didn't tell anyone about it. I thought I should have taken decision myself after all it's my life. I was depending on others till now but I could take decision now.

I saw he was coming towards me that's why I sat straight. He sat in front of me and asked, "you want to say something."
I nodded quickly. I had chance now to talk him. I opened my mouth, "give me divorce."
He looked at me like he looked ghost, "what? I misheard something."
I sighed, "I said give me divorce." I repeat again slowly.
"Don't you read the contract. You have not right. It's my decision to give you divorce." He corrected me.
I never thought that he would say like it. But I won't give up easily, "I know that's why I am asking you. Sorry I am not asking you but I am requesting you."
He didn't say anything. I thought he was considering it. He asked unexpected question, "why do you want divorce suddenly?"
I repeated in low voice, "why I want?" I needed time to think. Should I tell him truth? I had no other choice that's  why I told him, "I thought kartik wanted me to marry you because of money but I was wrong. I knew his true intentions."
He asked, "what's his intentions?"
I knew he wouldn't give me divorce without knowing the truth. I took a deep breath, "I don't want to tell you but I have no other option. He wants me to protect someone. You have power and money. And I am your wife that's why nobody can harm me. If I knew about it before, I didn't marry with you but I got to know few days ago. That's why I am requesting you give me divorce."
He looked at me like I am stupid and smirked, "I didn't understand one thing."
"You knew you are in dangerous and I can protect you. After that you want divorce. Do you want to go in dangerous willingly?"
"It's not like it. Taking money from you is different than taking protection. I am feeling that I am taking advantage of you." I told him with irritation.
"If I already knew it. Kartik already talked me about it and he wanted to keep it secret from you. I don't know why he told you now." He was clam. But I was shocked, "you already knew it. But why did you agree?"
"Why?... Because grandma wants it. You need my help and I need yours. I think it's equal." He told me.
"But I want divorce now." I told him finally with irritation.
"Didn't I tell you that I already knew it. And I have not problem with it. Then why do you want now?" He asked me with anger.
"Because I want it. I am not feeling comfortable around you after knowing it." I told him in low voice.
"I married with you because of grandma. If you want to divorce then convince her, not me." He told me finally.
I looked at him that I saw a ghost. It was impossible. Now what do I do?
After coming party, I changed my dress in nightwear. I was walking on terrace. I was so anger that why didn't he give me divorce. But I won't give up easily.
I heard some footsteps. Then I saw shlok. He smiled, "what are you doing here this time?"
"I couldn't sleep and my question is same." I also smiled.
"Same here"
"After coming here, I have no work except talking you or roaming here and there." He said with looking towards sky.
"Hmm... Why don't you join business?" I gave him suggestion.
"I have no interest in business. And I don't want it." He replied simply.
"Then do you think what do you want?" I asked with curiosity.
"Not now.." he thought something. "Why didn't you join your family business?" He asked me with looking towards me.
"Actually, I never thought about it. I was busy in other issues. I never thought about anything else."
"Hmm... So why can't you sleep?" He asked me. I told him what happened at party. I added in last, "I don't know why don't he want?"
"He married you because of grandma. Her health condition is stable now. But he doesn't want to take risk." As he told me, why I forget about it?
"Ohhh.... Do you have any suggestions that grandma will  starting to hate me and like her." I asked with curiosity.
He looked at me unbelievable, "do you want to hurt her feelings?"
I shook my head with no, "forget it. I am overthinking."
He smiled. I asked, "why doesn't grandma like shifali? She is karan's choice. I don't think there is any problem. I met her. She is nice."
"Why are you asking it now?" He asked me with raising his eyebrows.
"Just curiosity. Actually, I want to ask before but I have not chance." I told him with shrugging my shoulders.
He nodded, "I don't know the reason. But grandma doesn't like her from starting."

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