chapter 36

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After calming down myself, I looked at him and he was looking me.

I heard his voice again, "why didn't you get married again?"

Did I hear wrong? I looked at him for confirmation. He was waiting for my answer. I didn't understand why he was asking me about it? What's his intention? Now is it necessary to ask after many years? It's not hard for searching me. I am damn sure that he also knows mom and I are keeping in contact since starting. It's not hard to know everything for him. But he never tried to know. Now he is asking that question in our first talk after many years when he never tried to know.

I took deep breath and said in cold voice, "Sir, I am not here for discussion my personal matter." I emphasized the word 'Sir'

He looked at me with widened eyes as he never thought I would talk him in that way. It means he never knew about me. If I didn't want to do anything, I will never do. He is now stranger for me and I didn't think it's necessary to clarify anything to him.

I knew he was glaring me but I didn't concern anything now that's why I didn't look at him.

After few moments, he signed and looked at the file in front of him. After reading, he looked at me and asked in professional voice, "So kavya tell me when every employee is doing overtime, why are not you doing?"

It's first time, I heard his professional voice. I was stunned. Before either we argued or we talked nonchalantly. But it was different.

When I noticed he was waiting for my answer, I said in calm voice, "I can't. I already told to shlok and Mr Rakesh about it."

He said indifferently, "But now I am boss." Is he showing off his authority?

He asked, "don't you think its biased for you if every employee does overtime but you not?"

I was speechless because he was right but after few seconds, I said stubbornly, "I can't overtime it means I can't." I took out the resignation letter from my jeans pocket and put on table. I already came with preparation. I knew he won't be easy for me and I am not going to plead to him. If it's another person than him, I will plead without hestitation. But unfortunately the person in front of me was him.

Nor he looked at that letter or he accepted it. He only looking at me with raising his eyebrows.

I explained, "I can't overtime that's why it's my resignation letter."

There was a pin drop silence into office. At last he opened his mouth, "Kavya, do you think if you resigned here, it's easy to find new job? And if you find new job, won't new company ask you to do overtime? Then what will you do? Again give resignation?"

Again he was right. It's my first job and I don't have much experience. Only experience of this company. It's really hard to find new job. And every company prefers employees who does overtime. I was thinking about what to do then  he added, "Kavya, it's not good to always run away from problems. But face your problems and try to solve it."

I made my face and retorted, "I am not interested to your lecture."

His lips moved slightly, "Oh" then he said while sitting on chair lazily, "I have a offer to you."

I looked at him with suspicious, "what offer?"

He told with energetic voice, "be my personal secretary."

Again I was stunned. Did I hear again something wrong? Why was I feeling that his tone was different? I shook my all others thoughts into my mind and think straighten.

I am only graduated and not have any other qualifications. I knew very well there needs qualifications and experienced for his secretary post. He is CEO of a big company which has many small subsidiary company in different cities. It means his business spreads all over country. And there are a lot of works to do for his secretary.

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