Chapter 38

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After getting response, I entered into his cabin. He was sitting behind his desk just like last time but this time he was doing work seriously. Even, he didn't glance at me that I was entered. I stood aside and thought what should I do. Should I leave or stand still? I thought pros and cos into my mind. He is my boss now. why I was taking this suitation personally now? As a professional, I should wait for his order. That's why I stood still. After few seconds, I got bored because there was only one sound... Keywords sound. He was typing something on his laptop. I looked at his face. He didn't change so much only there was maturity on his face. He worn gray color shirt and his coat was hanging behind his chair. There was a golden color frame specs on his nose loosely which gave his face more maturity. I didn't remember that he used specs ever. When had he started to use? Last time, I didn't notice so much about him.

I cut my cheek from inside when I was thinking. I didn't notice I was glaring him.

I came into my senses when I heard my name from his mouth, "so kavya what do you say?"

I blinked my eyes and looked at him with confusion. Because I didn't hear what he was saying or asking? But immediately, I covered my expression. I hoped he didn't notice my confused expression but I knew deeply there was slight chance. Whatever, I tried to calm down myself and asked firmly, "Sorry, I didn't get what you say."

He was looking at me like he wanted to know what I was thinking. I was feeling uncomfortable because of his gaze. Thank god, after few minutes, he lazily opened his mouth, "you signed the contract as my personal secretary. So how are you feeling now, Kavya?"

I was more confused to hear it. What did he mean? I tried to find out what he meaning. But when I noticed his eyes on me, my mind was not working that's why I gave up and replied what I could think that time, "I didn't start work till yet. How can I reply you, Sir?"

He pretended to think and then opened his mouth, "yeah, you are right. You didn't start your work till now. Then I should give you some work, right?"

I stood still and waited to continue him. He said nonchalantly, "Brew the coffee for me." And he started to concentrate on his work again after saying it.

I stood there without moving slightly. Did I hear wrong something? When I figured out, I heard his voice again, "why are you standing there? Did you forget my taste?" He said without looking at me.

How can I forget?  He always demanded to coffee when he had to work overtime in past. I always made for him. 

He opened his mouth, "only one..." I didn't let him continue and suddenly said, "I remember clearly. Don't need to tell me."

This time, he looked at me with smirk, "So you remember after so many years."

When I heard him, I cursed myself inside my mind why I opened my mouth. But it's too late. I could nothing do except regression.

He asked with raising his eyebrows, "then why are standing there?"

I frowned and said, "Because it's not my work." Ofcourse, I am not his maid. It's not my work profile. I am only responsible for his official work and nothing else.

He didn't object while sat on his chair lazily. He dialled a number on intercom and ordered, "Come in"

I was confused to his behaviour but I didn't ask anything. After a knock, Nimish came inside. He glanced to me and then asked karan polietly, "Yes, Boss"

Karan handed over a bunch of papers and asked to him while looking at me, "did Kavya sign the contract in front of you herself?"

My heart skipped from its place to hear it. What did it mean? Nimish was also confused like me. He looked at me then replied polietly with looking at him, "Yes Boss."

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