chapter 16

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I felt soft, warm and comfortable. I tossed and turned but I felt someone warm hand on my waist. Last time, I recalled I was in bathroom. I was screaming and shouting. I felt pain. When it became unbearable, I sat on bathtub with filled water. I didn't remember when I came to room or on bed.

I opened my eyes slowly because it were swelling because of crying. It was daylight. And I tried to see who was next to me.

I heard his voice, "are you awake?"

I tried to say something but nothing came out from my mouth that's why I nodded.

"How are you feeling now?"

I sat on the bed and told him, "I am fine. but how did I come here? I recalled..."

He did not let me complete my question, "you locked yourself into bathroom and you were screaming and shouting that's why they were worried about you. Shlok called me and we broke the door." He explained what happened last night.

I was feeling embrass, "I am sorry for last night. Now I am feeling fine that's why you don't have to worry about me."

I tried to get up from bed but it was difficult because of medicine.

I heard his voice, "your doctor called last night. He left a message for you. When you feel fine, call him. And I think you should take rest. I"ll send your breakfast by someone."

He left the bed, took out his clothes from his wardrobe and went to bathroom.

I sat there and closed my eyes. I never thought that they would find about it. I was feeling uncomfortable. I didn't know what Dr subarmanyam told him. My mind was not working now. That's why I tried to feel relax.

I overheard the bathroom door opened. I opened my eyes and managed to go to bathroom. Last time, everything was shattered here and there but now it was clean. I didn't think about it too much because it's hard to think and do for me that time. I did my daily routine.

When I came back into room. Karan was not there. I sat on bed because it's hard for me to walk. I felt worst than last time. I knew it was because of my imagination but nothing was helping me.

I heard knock on the door. I managed myself and sat straight on the bed. It was mom with tray of food.

She smiled and asked, "how are you feeling?"

I managed to smile, "now I am fine. You don't need to take it. I was going to come downstairs."

"It's ok kavya. We all know you are not well and you need to take rest." She put the tray next to me and she sat on the bed. She continued, "eat it."

I took the spoon but my hand was shaking. I tried to control my hand.

She asked with concerned, "Are you really fine? Karan denied to call the doctor but I think we should call the doctor."

I smiled, "I am really fine. Actually it's a side effect of medicine. But it effects for some hours."

She nodded, "I am thinking to call your parents. They know your suitiation better than us. We don't know what should we do or not."

I shook my head, "I don't want to tell them anything." I couldn't tell her that they were never there when I needed them the most. And I thought they would get worried because of me when they couldn't do anything about it.

She nodded, "ok, take rest. Grandma and shlok are worried for you. When you need anything just call us and Rani will check on you time to time." I nodded and she left.

I finished my break fast and laid on bed.

I slept again. When I woke up, it was 3 pm. I was really feeling better now. I recalled I had to take appointment from my doctor. I called but it weep after a ring. I left message.

I stood up and washed my face. I managed my clothes and went to downstairs. Grandma, shlok and mom were watching TV. When they noticed me, grandma smiled and said, "now you look fine."

I smiled and nodded. I joined them.
Mom told, "it's lunch time. We didn't take because we are waiting for you."

I smiled. We took lunch together. Shlok joked, "you really scared us last night."

I felt guilty, "I am really sorry. I didn't want it."

Grandma said, "it's ok kavya. Shlok told us you were fine. Suddenly, what happened to you?"

"Actually, there were some guys were fighting. I saw blood and I didn't control myself after it. I have phobia. I took medicine but it didn't any help." I  hid main reason from them. I didn't want they know the truth.

"Ohh" grandma said.

We finished our lunch. We watched TV. My mobile rang. I saw doctor subarmanyam name on my mobile. I said excuse to them and came to my room.

I received the call and told him everything. He listened carefully and told, "I have to take suggestions from others. But for now I can only suggest that you should take care yourself and don't think about it too much. You should share your feelings to others. You should make friends and enjoyed your life. You feel guilty. You think it's your fault but it's not your fault. Why don't you tell someone else everything and ask opinion. It will help to forget you."

"Ok I ll try. Don't I need any test?"

"No, it's before a month when you did. Your all test is normal. So don't worry and try to live happily. I will call when I will discuss to others."

"Ok and thank you." I cut the call and laid on bed.

I heard knock on the door. That time, it was shlok.

He asked with concerned, "what happened? You looked pale again. Are you alright?"

"Seriously, I am fine now. Don't worry. I was thinking about what doctor suggest me."

He asked, "what did he suggest?"

I told him without any thinking what he suggested.

After listening, he asked with surprised, "you don't have any friends."

I took a deep breath, "actually, no. It's many years ago when I have friends."

"May I ask? Why?" I looked at him without blinking my eyes. "If you feel comfortable, you could share with me." He continued.

I looked outside the window, "I always feel comfortable around you. I didn't tell to anybody except my doctor. He knew everything that's why I can share my feeling with him easily. Nobody said to me to share anything. I will tell you everything from starting."

I told him everything and every details which I remembered and I knew. He listened carefully. He didn't ask anything in between.

When I finished it was tears on my eyes.

He put his hand on my shoulder and said with low voice, "it's ok kavya. Everything will be fine. And it's not your fault."

I was sobbing, "but that day if I was not there with him, he is alive now."

He hugged him and patted my back, "it's not your fault. They should feel guilty because it's their fault. Your brother always told you it's your fault that's why you think it's your fault. But it is truth that it's their fault who killed him. So don't take burden. From now on, I am with you. I will take care of you. You are my friend."

I wiped my tears and saw him, "thank you for listening me. Now I am feeling  relax. I don't know it's my fault or not.  But I knew someone died without any reason. How can I be happy when he died? I don't know I have right to live happily or not."

"Why do you think so much? If he would be alive, he wants you to be happy, Not your miserable life. He is not alive but you are. You should be happy and enjoy your life. You should think about others who is around you. Everyone wants to look you happy and healthy. Promise me you will try to forget it and try to enjoy your life."

"I can't promise you. But I will try." I tried to smile.


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