You both overhear a conversation

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"He's worse than Hitler!" You all heard a yell.

"Who was that about?" Johnathan mumbled concerned.

"Dio, definitely Dio" Speedwagon answered straight away.

"We don't know if it really is hi-" Johnathan tried to defend him a road roller then went flying by.

"Its Dio" You nodded.



Joseph and Caesar had an argument over something stupid that you couldn't be bothered to find out.

Joseph was sulking as you walked home "Did you hear that?" He asked you after some people went by.

"Something like not letting you down" You answered.

He seemed to get an idea and when you both got back he went towards the kitchen you followed to make sure he doesn't do something stupid or start eating spaghetti while crying again.

He opened the fridge then took out cheese and hugged it "The hell are you doing?" You asked.

"Cheese will always be there for you, cheese will never let you down," Joseph told you while crying you went to call Caesar since your dad has gone insane.


"Bye street chicken!" A girl yelled.

Jotaro watched that all go down then was silent for the rest of day and he's always silent so you all thought he lost his voice.

He was also out of it so he actually smashed into some walls he even broke some while doing that and Star punched down the rest because they got in Jotaro's way.

"You good?" You asked seeing him on the couch still deep in thought.

"Are pigeons really chickens?" He looked to you.

"THE HELL!!?" Jolyne yelled from somewhere in the house.


"Waffles are pancakes with abs" You both overheard.

"So your a waffle?" I asked.

Josuke ruffled your hair "I don't mind you calling me that and your a pancake they are soft and beautiful like you."

Rohan then came along and saw you two staring at him "A leek?" You mumbled trying to think of one for him.

"Marmite no one likes it" Josuke added Rohan then went after him and Josuke bolted it.


"How would we know if we are not a robot?" You heard some people talk on the way home.

Jolyne seemed to be having a mental crisis when you got back "Jotaro is here!" Anasui yelled.

You went running down to hug him, and he accepted it with a small smile on his face.

Jolyne then along "Why do you have a pillow?" You asked.

"Jotaro has to be a robot" He explained.

"And that's the best weapon you thought of" You sighed.


Mista was staring at the table intensely you all were concerned since he's never like this "Are you okay?" You tugged on his sleeve.

Mista turned to you "I heard someone talking today and this is news to me, do you think that dinosaurs had nipples?"

Trish had a wtf look on her face while Abbacchio just downed more of his wine "Did they?" You and Narancia mumbled.

"Want me to make one?" Giorno asked.

"Yeah! Dinosaur!" Mista and Narancia yelled.

An hour later "I shouldn't have left you all alone" Bucciarati sighed seeing many baby dinosaurs Giorno made it that their claws and teeth are soft.

"I can't tell! Giorno make a bigger one!" Mista demanded.

"NO!!" Trish and Bucciarati yelled.


You were all out at a cafe having some cake since you asked Dio says but the truth is he actually wanted to come here "Would you rather be a bath or a toilet?" You all overheard.

"Of course bath I want to feel their bodies" Dio smirked.

"Your more like a toilet all you speak is shi-" Giorno quickly ran around your seat as Dio tried to get to him.

You were just enjoying your cake "I rather be myself" You admitted.

Dio tripped up in the end and Giorno smirked victoriously.

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