You lose your first tooth

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You ate something and noticed your tooth is gone "Dad I swallowed my tooth" You told him, and he panicked.

Erina reassured him that you will be alright while your brother asked what it tasted like.

"Blood" You answered and that sent off Jonathan again.


Your dad was so excited for your first tooth to fall out and you didn't get why you had to put it under your pillow the same night it came out and you woke up to find a lot of toys with a note saying from the tooth fairy.


"Dad I'm like a shark," You told him excitedly.

"How?" He asked looking up from his book.

"Sharks lose their teeth I lost a tooth" You held it up, and he smirked but didn't tell you everyone could do that because you looked so happy.


"Dad can you fix this?" You asked.

"What is it?" He asked.

You handed him your tooth, and he freaked out because there's still some blood on it and he had to explain to you why he can't fix it.


"Um, mum!" You called for her.

"What is it?!" She called back from the kitchen.

"I'm bleeding!" You answered and you heard something smash.

She came running so did your dad you found it weird because he should be in bed sleeping.

"Where?" She asked looking you over.

You opened your mouth and showed your tooth that just came out, and they both sighed in relief.


"Dad I think I broke something!" You called out to him.

He sighed and was still looking at some of his paperwork "What is it?" He asked.

"One of my bones" You answered, and he threw the paper up into the air.

Your second mum was already running to you he then sighed once he saw it was just a tooth.

"You just lost a tooth, you scared me" Your dad sighed.

"(name) put that under your pillow and you will get money from the tooth fairy tonight," Bucciarati told you.

"You get money from this, dad must lose a lot of teeth" You commented, and they laughed.


One of your teeth have felt loose the last couple days and it has gotten much looser today you panicked and went to your dad.

"Dad my tooth is being weird" You tugged on his clothes.

"Let me see" You opened your mouth, and he bent down to your height to see.

"Oh, this one" He held onto the tooth.

"(name)!" Giorno shouted and sadly you turned to his voice the tooth was ripped out.

You cried in pain, and they both panicked your tooth wasn't very loose so your dad knew it must have hurt a lot.

Giorno kept apologising to you afterwards and Dio comforted you for the whole day because he felt guilty and he also got you some cakes to make up for it.

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