You space out

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He was so concerned your just sitting on the sofa and staring straight on "Is she dying!? Is she ill!?"

He freaked out so much and Erina came back and she found him looking at you with a very worried expression on his face. She laughed and shook you gently by the shoulder "Yeah?" You looked at her.

"She's alive!" He yelled and hugged you, you were very confused and Erina laughed at your expression.


He found you staring at a wall and looked at the wall himself and started staring at it as well.

Speedwagon and Caesar came to visit, and they were both very concerned with why you are both staring at a wall "Are they possessed?" Caesar asked.

"Caesar join us" You both turned to him at the same time, and he screamed high pitch while Speedwagon was laughing nervously.


You have been staring at a wall for the last ten minutes and your dad has gotten more worried with each passing minute.

"(name)" He called out to you but you kept staring at the wall.

He got up and spun you around to look at him "Dad?" You asked confused.

"You okay? You have been spacing out for ten minutes" He asked.

"Oh, I was wondering how your hat works" You pointed at his hat.

"It just works" He answered, no one knows the mystery to how his hat works not even Jotaro himself.


Your on your back staring at the ceiling and your dad poked your leg "Are you dead?" He asked concerned.

"Tacos" You said out loud.

"You want tacos?" Your dad asked.

You then stopped spacing out "Oh dad, tacos sound good I'm hungry."


You were staring at the tv and your mum kept poking you and you didn't take any notice of her "Anasui! Something is wrong with (name)!" She called out.

"(name)?" Your dad called out to you.

"Yeah" You answered.

"Were you spacing out?" He asked.

"No mum ate all the ice cream so I'm not talking to her" You explained.

"(name)!" Your mum whined.

"Yare yare daze" You sighed.


You were staring out the window and Bucciarati has noticed you haven't moved for quite a while.

"(name) what are you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to get better at staring so I can defeat dad at more staring contests" You explained.

"Let me help you," Mista told you and you nodded.

Giorno came in later confused to see you both staring out the window "Are you two okay?" He asked

You both looked to him you both had your eyes open for so long your both crying and that made Giorno panic.


You were staring at something in your dad's wardrobe and you have been doing it for a while and your dad found it very weird that you haven't moved.

"(name) what are you looking at?" He asked.

"Something horrifying," You told him.

He bent down and saw his other pair of elf shoes that have a leopard pattern on them "Burn it" You demanded.

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