They take you home and you meet your sibling

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"We are home" Jonathan called out and George came running out and hugged his dad's legs and looked to his mum with curiosity.

She smiled at her son and bent down and showed him you "So cute" He commented and poked your cheek while smiling.

You both got along quite well and George wanted to always help and spend time with you. Your parents were both glad you got on so well and found it so cute when you both end up falling asleep together.


"I'm back with the newest family member" Joesph called out and Holy came running to him he picked her up easily.

She looked at you in Suzi's arms "I always wanted a sister" She said excitedly.

Holy loved to steal you away from Joesph whenever he looked after you causing him to scream down the house sometimes looking for you.

Joseph was always jealous because he thought you liked the girls more than him.


He is carrying you home and once they opened the door Jolyne tried to tackle her mum, but she is too small to actually do it.

Jotaro went in and sat down on the sofa and Jolyne climbed up on to it and put her hands on his leg to push herself up and get a better look of you.

"Yes, it's a girl" She celebrated and climbed on to his leg, so she can feel how soft your cheeks are and squeezed them.

She loved to make you laugh and then stuck her tongue out at Jotaro thinking that you love her more.


He brought you home and showed the house off to you and then realised he is talking to a baby "She isn't gonna remember" He mumbled.

He hopes when you're older you will play video games with him or you can grow your hair out, and he can style it for you.


She brought you home and Anasui kept going on about how much you look like her.

"I think she has my dad's hair" she commented seeing it looks more like his hair colour than her hair colour.

"I think she has his personality as well," Anasui told her because you seemed very quiet even when you are crying.


Giorno brought you home, and he took you to your extravagant bedroom he found it weird how you didn't explore the room but instead kept holding up your arms to him.

"What is it you want?" He picked you up and you were able to reach his hair and you started playing with it while giggling.

"My hair? Okay then" He took a book and laid on a sofa, and he let you play with his hair as he read the book.


"I'm back with your new sister" Dio walked in and Giorno came running at the word sister and he was staring straight at you but was annoyed he can't see you.

Dio sat on the sofa and Giorno climbed and stood up and looked at you "Cute I'm gonna protect her from everything" Giorno held your small hand.

"No one will hurt her while we are around she is a Brando after all" Dio agreed and Giorno was shocked to hear his dad say that.

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