First time giving you your bottle

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He was very nervous with doing this because Erina has done it so far even George has done it.

"Darling your holding it the wrong way" Erina laughed as he made sure he held the bottle the right way.

He carefully fed you and he was relieved when you started drinking from the bottle.


"Where is the bottle?" He was searching for it as you cried your sister tried to get you to stop but it didn't work.

He was able to find it and prepare your drink, and then he gave you it a few minutes later Suzi came over to check on you both to find Joseph sucking on your bottle.

"I get why she likes this," He told her and Suzi then laughed.


He has done this before, but he always hates when he has to do it in public he took you out of your buggy once you started crying.

Your mother gave him the bottle, and he fed you as you all walked people found it very strange seeing someone as menacing as Jotaro feeding a small baby. The elder found it very cute and always complimented you both he always sighs and replies with a simple yare yare daze.


He was very nervous the first time, and there is a little cap on top of the bottle they use for you and he didn't notice he hasn't taken it off.

He tried for five minutes and then went to his wife crying "She isn't drinking it."

She noticed the problem straight away, and she sighed then grabbed the bottle and took off the cap and handed it back to him. This time you were able to drink from it ad he had the biggest smile on his face.


Your dad thought you just eat solid food at first and Jolyne smacked him when he poked you with a carrot tyring to get you to eat it.

She showed him what you actually have, and she didn't have any trouble with feeding you.


Buccareti feeds you all the time but he wasn't there this time and it was just Giorno and the others. Giorno knew what to do but the boys are taking care of you and they didn't want to trouble him he has a lot of work.

It was about twenty minutes before Giorno knew something was up no one has come in with more work and no one has walked past his door he can always hear the footsteps.

He found all of them panicking over you and he sighed and quickly feed you and Buccareti came back and taught the boys how to actually feed you.


"Take the bottle already" He sighed because you have been crying for the last ten minutes.

"Giorno explain she won't drink" Dio demanded, and Giorno sighed.

"Smell the air," He told him.

Dio sniffed and then his face scrunched up "Your not thirsty" He took you away to change your diaper.

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