They get jealous

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Johnathan was very confused why he felt such a horrible feeling towards Dio when he saw him talking to you happily or as happy as Dio can get.

He talked to Erina about it since he feels so guilty.

"Your just jealous it's fine to feel like that" Erina reassured him.

He still didn't feel better so he went to find you and you were concerned since he looked like a sad puppy "I was jealous you were spending time with Dio and not me, I'm sorry" He apologised to you.

He looks so guilty you immediately hugged him "You don't need to apologise" You reassured him and he hugged you back and sighed in relief that you don't hate him.


Caesar made bubbles with his hamon and you were amazed by them and he smirked at Joseph who is glaring at him from around the corner.

Joseph then brought out his clackers and tried to impress you with them but ended up hitting himself on the head then he broke a window "Ow!" He yelled and fell down.

"You're an idiot" You sighed and he pouted "But you're an awesome dad" You admitted.

He got a huge smile on his gave and tackled you into a hug "You hear that Caesar I'm better than you! I'm awesome!"


Kakyoin came over to play with you and you're showering him with many compliments on how nice he is and how he has a wonderful personality.

Your dad is reading a marine book but he can't read the page he is on because he is listening to everything you are saying.

He paused time and took you away from Kakyoin but once time unpaused he had no idea what to do.

You were looking around confused "What happened?" You asked.

Jotaro started stuttering and then stopped talking surprising you "Did you want my attention?" You asked.

He blushed "You did! I love you the most!" You hugged him around the neck.

He sighed and put your head against his shoulder to hide his smile and blush from you.

Star was in the background "I love you too!" You yelled to him and he celebrated.

Polnareff and Joseph heard what happened and kept teasing Jotaro, in the end, to escape he paused time and sat on the roof in a ball of embarrassment.


You're playing video games with Joseph and Joseph was trying not to laugh because he could feel the glare Josuke is giving him.

Joseph ruffled your hair and Josuke's patience snapped he went over and took you away "You can only play video games with me" He told you as he sulked.

"Okay, it's the most fun playing with you," You laughed and he hugged you happily, all of his jealousy disappeared.

Jotaro watched this go down and just sighed at how your dad is more of a child than you.


She hates it that you smile at your grandad more than you do at her. She wanted to somehow get your attention and to find her amazing instead of making you sigh with everything she says or does.

You were talking to Jotaro and then Jotaro stopped talking.

You were confused until you felt yourself get grabbed and go up, your mum is using her stand to dangle herself from the ceiling and she then went back up with you.

"I'm awesome right?!" She grinned.

You felt like sighing but saw the look in her eyes "Very awesome" You admitted and she cheered making her stand accidentally let go.

Jotaro paused time and caught you both "Yare yare daze" He sighed.


You love Bucciarati's power and you loved seeing him use it.

Giorno tried ignoring you two so he doesn't get jealous but you yelling compliments at Bucciarati was getting to him.

He slammed his hands on the desk and everyone else in the room froze except you and Bucciarati.

Giorno used his stand to stop Bucciarati's one and he quickly walked over picked you up and left.

"I'm having a father and daughter day with (name)" Giorno informed them before he left.

"Were you jealous?" You asked and he looked away with a small blush on his cheeks making you giggle.


You discovered the power of hamon from Johnathan and he is showing you how it works.

"Amazing!" You yelled and your brother is looking at your dad who is glaring at Johnathan from around the corner while quietly hissing wrrry.

Dio stopped time and took you away leaving Johnathan confused and then he saw a glimpse of Dio's hair as he walked away making him laugh.

"Dad?" You asked confused.

"My power is better" He mumbled and you giggled.

Your dad groaned "I love you the most," You admitted.

"Of course you do" He smirked but on the inside, he was so relieved.

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