You get one of your senses taken away

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You got attacked by a stand user their power was to take away one of your senses for a day.


"Are you okay?" Johnathan held up some paper.

"Dad this is too much," You told him.

He had brought many cushions for the whole house the floor is covered in them you can't even see it anymore "You might get hurt" He wrote down quickly.

"I'm deaf, not blind but thank you" You grinned.

You all somehow got into a pillow fight then you saw Dio and Johnathan holding up some paper.



They glared at each other then quickly wrote on the other side of the paper "I will defeat you Dio!" Johnathan's one had a cute mouse drawn on it.

"Just try Jostur WRRRRRRYYYYY!" Dio's one had a lot of crossed-out words and it was quite ripped and there was also blood? You don't know how that got there.

They weren't even speaking they just had determined looks on their faces as they held up the paper as high as they could.

"Dio you can't spell" Speedwagon held up one then got a cushion to the face.


He was cornered at first but then got explained to that it should wear off after a day.

He helped you around but liked to randomly poke you and then laugh seeing you confused trying to find who or what did that.

He was laughing right now after you turned around trying to find what poked your cheek.

Your hand soon landed on his shoulder he was confused you worked your way up to his face then found his head and whacked it.

Caesar burst out laughing while Joseph whined "That's what you deserve Jojo!" Caesar laughed.


You were scared not having your sight but whenever you needed to go somewhere or wanted something Star would rush off to get it or pick you up.

He was taking you to the kitchen right now "Star put her down" Jotaro sighed.

"Ora" You could feel Star shaking his head frantically.

"I will take her" Jotaro took you off him "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

"Its fine I have this" You pointed at his hat on your head.

He put it on you so when you walk around the front of the hat hits into walls before you do but Star spinning you around before that even happens.

For the rest of the day, Jotaro took care of you and Star even fed you at dinner since Jotaro was to embarrassed when Jolyne was staring at him weirded out that he's acting like a father.

"Who are you?" She asked then aimed a nerf gun at him and shot, he just sighed.


"NO!!" You got tackled again for the tenth time today.

"I was just standing still dad" You sighed.

"But there was a fly" He mumbled.

"What does more damage you or a fly?" You asked and he was silent as he helped you up.

"How are we going to fix this?" Okuyasu mumbled sounding like he was going to get a genius idea "I KNOW GLASS EYES!!"

"I would be blind forever" You retorted.

"But they look cool," He told you and you agreed.

"Who is the blind person I need to help?" Rohan asked annoyed as he came in.

You held up your hand and went to run to him Josuke tackled you "You nearly ran into the fireplace" He explained.

You called Rohan here to help you with his stand before Josuke gives you brain damage or kills you.

Josuke was crying hugging you after you got your sight back.


"This is a gift" You mumbled happily reading a marine book.

"(NAME) HELLO!!" Your mum shouted again on the top of her lungs this time.

"She can't hear you she's deaf for today" Jotaro explained as he read the book with you.

"Did you shoot a gun near her?" Jolyne questioned him.

He got a wtf look on his face "What? That is how you damaged your hearing" Jolyne shrugged and then got some paper and wrote on it and stuffed it in your face.

You sighed then looked at it "Why are you so happy you never are?" You read it "Because I can't hear you it's a blessing I would have ended up deaf anyway with your loud voice."

She gasped dramatically.


You were being looked after by everyone else while Giorno, Bucciarati and Abbacchio were out to go murder the stand user who did this to you.

You couldn't hear anything so they were communicating with you using paper.

You saw one of Narancia's problems Fugo was making him solve and you wrote down the answer.

Narancia held up some paper "Your the best!"

You noticed his worksheet went missing confusing you while he was happy and four minutes later you got your hearing back but you also found the whole office was on fire.

Everyone was screaming Trish was carrying you out "What happened?!" Bucciarati came running "Who attacked!?"

"FOUR DESERVED TO BE BURNED!! DIE FOUR!!" Mista yelled as Fugo dragged him and Narancia out.

"TAKE THAT MATH!!" Narancia laughed.

"We left them for half an hour" Abbacchio sighed as he helped to drag the boys away.

"Writing a number can cause a building to burn down" You mumbled as Giorno made sure you were okay.


"I hate everything life is not worth living" You were spiralling down quick.

"Wait why?! You were fine a second ago" Giorno grabbed you to make sure you don't do anything.


"Where is dad?" Giorno asked.

"To go kill the person who did this to me" You answered.

Giorno got you to eat but you couldn't taste anything until "WRRYYYY!!"

There was then an explosion far off "I can taste it!!" You cheered.

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