You play with their hair

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Jonathan fell asleep he was exhausted from taking care of you. Erina and George are out, and he told the servants he wants to look after you himself.

You got curious and started playing with his hair you somehow make it look spiky and Erina came in and laughed at the sight of you sleeping on his chest and him with his wonderful new hairstyle.


When you played with his hair it was annoying to you it wouldn't stay in place it would just go to how it was before and you glared at his hair sometimes he thought you were glaring at him but when he found out it was just his hair he sighed in relief.

He helped you do his hair by using clips and hairbands to keep it in place and it filled him with joy to see you smiling and laughing because of him.


He never had his hat off but when he fell asleep from a long day of work he would always take it off and you were able to play with it.

It's very silky, and he always woke up feeling much better than he did before, and he smiled seeing you enjoying yourself, and he pretended to sleep for longer because he enjoys this time you have together.


You did it once when he was asleep, and he cried when he woke up you were just left confused to why he didn't like the brilliant hairstyle you gave him.

It made you upset and since his hair was already messed up he let you play with it again, and he was happy to see you enjoy yourself.

Afterwards, he will only let you do it when his hair isn't perfect or he wants to redo his hair.


Jolyne lets her hair down at night and you love playing with it because you love how it's two different colours and it's really soft.

Anasui joins you in styling her hair and gets jealous because you only play with Jolyne's hair.


He reads as you play with his hair like normal "Sweetie what's that in your hair?" Your mother asked him.

"Pencils" He answered like it was normal you started putting things in the holes in his hair at the front sometimes you put food in there as well really you could find anything there.


"What are you doing?" He asked you as you played with his hair with a smile on your face.

In the end, he just ignored it and let you do it and Giorno joined in with styling his hair.

Dio looked in the mirror horrified he has Giorno's hairstyle, and he decided he won't let you both near his hair ever again.

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