You play the word association game

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"I swear if you say yourself again!" Speedwagon yelled while the rest of you sighed.

"Food" You started again.

"Banana" Johnathan went next.

"Dio" Dio grinned.

You were confused as Speedwagon went at him Dio has said his name each time now after the words hot, delicious and milk.

"Disturbing" Giorno said next you all agreed that he won.


"Building" Holy started.

"Pillar" You next said.

"Car squirrel!" "BLIND UNICORN!!" "Brain clinger!"

You and Holy gave Joseph, Caesar and Lisalisa a confused look.

"None of those words go together," Holly told them.

"Oh they do, they do," Joseph said while staring at the ground traumatised.


"The world!" Jolyne yelled.

Jotaro flinched confusing you two "Eygpt" You went next he flinched again.

"Sun" Jolyne added and Jotaro had a small grin on his face.

"God?" You looked to Jolyne.

"Anything you say is right so I think your good" Jolyne grinned "Um...steel it can shine."

You both heard a smash and saw Jotaro had punched a wall with Star "I'm guessing death can work next" You added seeing the wall fall apart.

"I wish it ended that way" Jotaro walked away you were both left wondering what happened to him.

"Did he fight the god of steel called Eygpt on the sun to save the world?" Jolyne asked you.

"Close" Kakyoin told her "You two want to hear the story?" You both nodded frantically.


"Thriller" Rohan mumbled not wanting to be a part of this game.

"Horror!" Okuyasu yelled after thinking for a minute.

"Zombies" Josuke shivered.

"Blood" Jotaro sighed.

"Vampire" Yukako added.

You looked to Jotaro "Traumatised" You pat his head to comfort him.


"Hell" You started.

"Religion" Anasui went next.

"Preist" Jotaro added.

"Pucci" Jolyne groaned.

"Dio" Jotaro hissed.

"Jotaro!" You yelled.

"Oh, your approaching me?" Anasui added and stood up.

"I can't beat you without getting closer" Jolyne stood up as well.

"Then come as close as you like" Anasui grinned, and they both did a weird walking like pose but just stayed still.

"What just happened?" You asked confused to how you guys got to this.

"You don't need to know you win" Jotaro pat your head.


"Drink" Buccarati went first.

"Tea" You added.

"Piss," Giorno said straight away you gave him a weird look as he was staring down at his desk sweating.

"Hey what are you going playing?" Abbacchio asked.

"Word association game" Buccarati answered.

"Join us!" Narancia exclaimed,

"Okay well me" He grinned.

"That actually works for the last word" Mista sighed.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!!?" Trish yelled weirded out, and they all looked away "Actually I don't need to know I'm taking the only good person here before you all doom her."

Trish picked you up and walked out "Trish you can't just kidnap my daughter!" Bucciarati yelled.


"Amazing!" Dio yelled.

"Pizza" Giorno went next.

"No wrong there is only one answer!" Dio freaked out he has tried many times now to get Giorno to say one word.

"Pizza is amazing" Giorno retorted.

"No, try again! Amazing" Dio demanded.

"Cake" You answered.

"(name)" Giorno answered at the same time.

Dio sulked "Okay you both win" He went off to have some cake to make himself feel better.

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