They wear their old outfit

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He wore an old outfit from a few years ago "It's tight" He could hardly move.

"How buff are you gonna get? You have muscles on your muscles" You asked, and he laughed nervously.

"Wait will George be the same?" You imagined your brother with the same body as your dad and his small head on top of it "That's scary."


"Leggings, Crop top, boots and a scarf" You mumbled as he posed.

"You look so good," Suzi told him.

"Mum, what were you into? Where did you even find him?" You asked.

"I first met him when he was covered in oil and wore a muzzle" She answered.

You just gave him a weird stare "Wait let me explain!" Your dad told you but you were already running.


"You look like a delinquent," Jolyne told him honestly "Right (name)?"

She stared at you because you're wearing your dad's hat and looking up at your dad in awe.

"You look so cool!" You exclaimed, and he bent down and picked you up "What is this?" You held up the chain attached to his jacket.

"A chain" He answered.

"Why is it there?" Jolyne asked.

"Your nan put it on saying it would look cool" He explained.

"She's right," You told him and played with the chain.


"This was your school uniform?" You asked.

"Yeah is there something wrong with it?" He asked.

"Why are your pins so big?" You asked.

"Oh nan gave me them do you want one?" He asked and you nodded frantically.

He gave you one and you wore it every day.


Her clothes are the same your dad just always puts a jacket on her when she leaves the house "Why?" You asked him.

"Shoulders" He answered.

"Mum dad has gone weird" You grabbed onto her arm.


"So you use to wear bright pink clothes?" You asked.

"Yeah" He showed off his outfit.

"I like you in the black clothes more," You told him honestly.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because the hole in that shirt goes all the way to your belly button" You pointed out, and he made an oh sound.


You both found his clothes to be disturbing "Greenheart knee pads?" Giorno asked thinking he must be joking.

"Yes!" He yelled and posed.

"How did you even get women while wearing that?" You asked and he didn't have an answer.

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