Your kidnapped

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"Isn't that one of the Joestar kids?" A random man pointed at you.

"It is" They both smirked you tried running but you didn't make it far with your little legs. They were able to take you away and left a little note for your dad to find.


You were holding your dad's hand as you went through the streets. You dropped your plushy you brought with you and let go to bend down and pick it up.

Instead someone grabbed you "Dad!" You yelled and you could see him searching frantically for you.

All he found in the end was your plushy.


He was looking after you both and took you both to a park and you were playing with your sister in the sandpit.

"Its time for lunch" Jolyne got up and ran in the direction your dad is in.

You got up and brushed the sand off your legs but before you could follow your sister you were grabbed and taken away.

Jotaro looked up from his book and tried finding you he stood up when he couldn't catch even a glimpse.

He called everyone and the Speedwagon Foundation to help find you.


You were out with your dad he is meeting up with Koichi and Okuyasu you got bored because they were just talking about sports.

You walked around and made sure to keep nearby but you made it to close to a corner and someone grabbed your hand and put their hand over your mouth so you couldn't alert your dad.

"(name)?" Josuke looked around and panicked they called everyone they know to help find you.


She took you shopping and your dad was holding all her bags.

You loved hiding in between the clothes and you were waiting to scare your mum and when you heard some steps nearby you were gonna jump out but you were grabbed instead.

They both searched for you but couldn't find you.


You never really ever go out so you love going around the office and no one worries because no one could get in or so they thought.

You recognised something that came through a wall you know it is a stand but you don't know who it belongs to.

You were gonna run to find someone but it grabbed you and took you through the wall.

Mista only just saw you and heard your scream he ran to the others to tell them.


You were outside of the bakery waiting for your dad to buy some cakes and someone quickly grabbed you and dragged you away.

"(name)?" He came outside looking for you he then got a deadly aura around him scaring all the people nearby.

He is gonna kill whoever took you.

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