You get your first period

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"Dad I'm bleeding from my-" You told him and got interrupted when he picked you up and was about to make a run for the front door.

Dio and Erina blocked his way causing him to pout.

He overreacts all the time to any injury you get they got him to sit down and calm down.

You then explained everything to Erina "Oh you started your period" She ruffled your hair.

"How do we stop it?" Jonathan asked.

"We can't she just has to wait for it to pass then it happens all over again a month later, and she might have pains as well its normal for women" Erina explained.

Johnathan was now hugging you two "Your so strong" He cried a little "I wish I could take your pain away."

You both pat his head.


"(name) why did you eat jam in bed?" Joseph asked you.

"Its blood you idiot!" You yelled annoyed you have an even lower torleance for him if there was even one to begin with.

"Wait your bleeding!?" He freaked out.

"Yeah it won't get anywhere else mum gave me these" You showed him the tampons.

"How?" He picked one up.

You just ignored him and Caesar came in "Joseph why are sticking a tampon up your nose?!" He freaked out.

You saw Joseph actually did that and was plugging his other nostril with one "Isn't it suppose to stop bleeding?" He asked.

You laughed loudly feeling happy for the first time that day Joseph grinned and did more stupid stuff for the rest of the day to make you feel better and it worked.


"But I want the chocolate it helps" You pouted Jotaro had taken it off you because you were eating a lot of it.

"Your eating to quickly you will make yourself feel worse" Jotaro sighed Star was pouting at him as well thinking he's being unfair.

"You would let her take over the earth" Jotaro ignored Star.

"CHOCOLATE NOW!!" You yelled your stand came out sending fire everywhere causing him to flinch and Star hid behind Jotaro.

"Now" You demanded.

Star threw it to you for Jotaro "Thank you" You were back to your happy self and your stand disappeared so did all the fire.

Jotaro stood there for ten minutes because you never raise your voice or get angry he noted to never mess with your chocolate.

Star was giving you hugs knowing your still in pain and was pouting he couldn't help you, you fed him some chocolate to cheer him up.

Later on Jotaro smiled to himself happy your actually like him in some way.


"The hell?" You mumbled confused seeing blood on the spot you were sitting on before after you went to find your dad "Dad I'm peeing blood."

About four things got smashed in just a mili second he was really concerned "Oh looks like you started" Your mum mumbled with sympathy.

"Dying?" You asked.

Josuke was freaking out even more.

She got him to calm and got you some pads and tampons.

The day went smoothly you ate a lot more food than you usually do but it was too good for you to stop "Are you trying to eat your problems away? You will get fat" Rohan sighed.

You turned to him with a smile on your face he got scared "You wanna bleed as well? I can make that happen and you see how it feels" You asked.

Rohan bolted it and your mother noticed that you inherited Josuke's anger Josuke was hiding under a table scared he has never seen you so angry.


You were in pain and it wouldn't go away you were laying on the couch slowly dying.

"(name) has it still not got better?" Anasui asked with a pout.

"Dad it's been a minute since you asked of course Satan's waterfalls isn't gone!" You yelled he has asked fifteen times now.

"Damn you pain!" He yelled.

"Yeah just die pain!" You yelled frustrated.

Your mum came in confused to see you both angry then you both were sad again.

Because you got more pains and Anasui was sad because you are "Here" Jolyne gave you ice cream and chocolate making you smile brightly.

"Thanks your the best!" You exclaimed.

Anasui was then grinning brightly "Its like your both having the same period" Jolyne mumbled.


You started your period and felt really embarrassed because you accidentally left a big red spot on the couch where you were sitting.

"Its not that noticeable" Mista tried to make you feel better after Trish sorted you out with a pad.

"It's a white couch with a red spot" Trish retorted.

You were circling up in a ball embarrassed "Its okay Bucciarati will understand" Narancia hugged you.

"What happened?" Abbacchio came in drinking wine.

Trish explained and he looked at the couch then you "Ooops" He spilled all his wine over the couch the spot you were sitting on it was all completely covered with a new stain.

"Thank you" You hugged Abbacchio around his waist.

"I didn't do anything" He groaned but was stroking your hair as he drank the last of his wine.


"You smell nice today a new perfume or something?" Dio asked

"Blood" You answered.

He was silent and spun you around to try and find a wound he was confused when he didn't find one "Excuse me?" He asked.

"I'm bleeding Giorno said its called a period" You answered.

"Period?" He asked concerned.

"You have been with so many women but don't know what a period is" Giorno sighed "Here."

Giorno gave you a bag of tampons, pads and chocolate "I also have pain killers if you need those" Giorno told you.

Your emotions were at a high so you started to cry from all the love "Your the best!" You hugged him tightly.

Giorno was surprised them hugged back and looked to Dio and smirked.

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