You have a nightmare

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You were woken up by your dad who had a concerned expression and you cried while hugging him.

George heard and came in as well you all somehow fit onto your little bed and slept together you felt safe with your brother and dad.


You woke up sweating badly and got out of bed to run to your parent's room you found your dad drooling and you poked him repeatedly to wake him up.

He didn't wake up but he grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug and you felt much better so you fell asleep easily.


You woke up alone and grabbed your dolphin plush only one person would be up this late and you needed someone right now.

You opened the door to your dad's study and you walked over to him, he looked down with a blank expression he saw the small frown you have on your face.

He picked you up and took you to his bedroom he laid in bed with you and before he put his hat on the bedside table you held out your hands for it.

He gave it to you and you hugged it with your plush he smiled and hugged you and you both fell asleep.


You woke up and ran to your parent's room to wake up your dad you told him about your nightmare and how you don't want to go back to sleep.

Josuke decided he will play video games with you all night long and it was fun at some point you both fell asleep on the sofa.


You woke up to see your mum sitting on your bed with her arms out you hugged her and cried.

She took you to her bedroom, and she hugged you and your dad rolled over and wrapped his arms around you both in his sleep.


He could hear you silently mumbling as he passed your door, so he opened it to see you tossing and turning.

He woke you up and you didn't want to go back to sleep, so he got a book and read it to you until you fell asleep and you were leaning on him, and he felt very comfortable so he decided to sleep there with you.


You woke up feeling horrible so you got out of bed and found your dad he was still up, and he looked up from his book "You should be asleep."

"I can't sleep," You told him, and he could see you seem scared, so he took you to the kitchen and you have both ate a cupcake.

It made you much happier, and he sat on your bed as you tried getting back to sleep you used his legs as a pillow, so he was stuck he sighed but run his hand through your hair and he closed his eyes to sleep.

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