They turn into a mythical creatures

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"WHAT IS THAT!?" Speedwagon yelled you all went outside to see a giant monster.

"Isn't that what is called Godzilla?" Dio asked then smirked "I'm going to defeat it."

It then turned to look down at you all Speedwagon grabbed you to protect you and Dio stood in front of you protectively.

Its tail started to move side to side "I'm here to kill you!" Dio exclaimed while laughing.

His tail stopped and went down crushing a forest he then panicked it looked like it was going to cry over the forest "Dad is that you?" You asked.

He nodded frantically and cried a little glad you were able to recognise him.

Dio still tried to fight him and Johnathan accidentally hit him 50 miles to the right you all just watched him fly away.


"Why is it so warm?" Caesar asked.

"Your not going to question the giant ass phoenix?" You asked.

"Its Kars right?" He looked up at it.

"Caesar aren't I'm awesome!?" Joseph screeched as he flew around then hit into a wall.

You both sighed "I'm here to defeat you Jojo!" Kars came through a window confused then looked around to see you both pointing to a phoenix "I can do that too!"

He turned into a Phoenix and went to fight him, you got the spray bottle and started to spray both of them before they catch the house on fire.

Kars got away through the window and Joseph smashed into the same wall "You defeated phoenixes now your very powerful" Caesar pat your head while grinning.


"Dad is just flopping on the floor" You mumbled seeing Jotaro struggling to move.

Jolyne was just laughing at him "Ha your a fish!"

"I'm a merman" Jotaro retorted as he was just flopping on the ground.

You both rolled him into the swimming pool in the back since he looked really sad and he happily swam about he was actually smiling the whole time.

Star turned into a merman to and you taught him how to swim since he had no idea how and was clinging onto the side of the swimming pool scared.

He happily enjoyed himself in the end and when your mum came home she was very confused.


"WHAT THE FU-" Rohan freaked out when he opened the front door.

"Meet Unisuke!" Okuyasu yelled.

Josuke turned into a unicorn and he still has the same haircut it's just much longer you thought it was the horn at first.

Josuke started to spin for some reason your on his back "Where is (name)!?" He somehow yelled then took the front down using his horn and hair.

The door was stuck on his horn so now he's a unidoor.

"Why is there a running door?" You heard Jotaro.

He ran past Jotaro and Joseph "Hello (name) you have grown" Joseph waved to you while Jotaro was in shock.


Your getting annoyed because something keeps poking you but you can't find it, it then landed on your head confusing you.

You looked up to see a mini Jolyne looking down at you she also has wings.

"LOOK I'M A FAIRY!!" She flew around then hit into a wall making you sigh.

She was annoying you and Jotaro throughout the day and always flew off when you both tried to catch her.

In the end, you left some of her favourite food on the side she went for it and Jotaro paused time and put a glass cup over her she was freaking out after saying it was unfair.

You both smirked scaring her you both forced her to watch a marine documentary.


"I hope they are all behaving" Bucciarati sighed as he was going back with Trish after shopping for dinner,

"Abbacchio is with them they should be fine" Trish reassured him.

He grinned then there was screaming.

"Is there a stand user!?" Bucciarati yelled.

"Yes and no" Trish pointed up at the sky.

There was a griffin up in the sky with you all on it happily flying along "This is awesome!" You yelled.

Giorno is the griffin he wanted to try out turning himself into different mythical creatures and your suggestion was a griffin.

You then landed when you saw Bucciarati waving at you "Where are the others did they fall off!?" He panicked.

"They did and they are over there" You pointed out and he saw many dragons two then hit into each other and went down, you can guess who they are.

The silver dragon went straight to raiding a wine factory.

Later on, you all got a lecture from Mama Bucciarati but your cuteness got you out of it and Abbacchio was too drunk he was fast asleep.


"So what exactly are you? You haven't changed at all?" You asked Dio.

"He is a sucky bitch" Giorno answered for him.

"Incubus!" Dio yelled.

"So you just suck or you suck something?" You asked Dio went to answer.

"Lollipops but he still sucks as a person" Giorno spoke up first and Dio glared at him.

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