You both try ice skating

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He is good at ice skating you just have your arms out and are not even moving your legs too afraid that you might fall over.

Jonathan came over and took one of your hands you were still very unsteady "Can you help please?" Jonathan asked the only person near enough to hear.

"With what?" Dio groaned.

"Me I don't want to smack into the ice" You raised up your hand slowly Dio sighed but came over and took your other hand and they both helped you skate.

People found it weirdly cute seeing two buff men helping a little girl skate.


He isn't good and he isn't bad he went by you really fast and you were all impressed "I taught him well" Caesar smirked.

"Did you teach him how to stop?" You asked as Joseph smacked face-first into the wall next to you knocking himself out.

"I forgot" Caesar mumbled.


He is standing still you could tell he can't skate and he doesn't want to move and fall.

You and your sister laughed at him because his eyes are wide open.

You both took a hand of his each and pulled him along he slowly moved along and he was still very stiff but eventually learned how to do it on his own.

He fell onto his back at one point and you fell on top of him and smiled at him.

He smiled back until Jolyne landed on his chest making him grunt in pain.


He is just on his back he has fallen over many times and has messed up his hair.

He feels like crying you poked him and he looked to you.

"You can't skate either?" You asked you are on your front you have fallen over each time and your hair has gotten wet making it stick to your face and its just a mess.

You both laughed at how hopeless you both are at this as Rohan just skated around making weird poses and he spun around a lot.

Josuke used Crazy Diamond to make him fall over "JOSUKE!!" He yelled.

Josuke tried running but fell over again making you laugh and so did he until Rohan reached him.


You and your mum are surprisingly good at ice skating "Where is dad?" You asked her.

"I don't know" She answered and then you both noticed him on his front slowly sliding across the ice.

"You're not doing too well" You stared down at him.

Jolyne helped him up and did her best to teach him but he always ends up on his back or front and then you fell and landed on your butt.

"DAMN YOU ICE!!" He yelled at the spot you fell at.


Giorno and Bucciarati are waiting for you so they can teach you how to skate and Mista and Narancia ran straight onto the ice.

Bad idea they both fell immediately and smashed into a wall "Ice skating is awesome!" Narancia yelled.

"That's not how you do it," Abbacchio told them and just slowly slid past them.

"Aren't you suppose to move to be able to skate? He hasn't moved his feet once" You asked them.

Everyone looked over to see it's his stand that is pushing him he doesn't actually know how to skate.

Giorno and Bucciarati taught you and you learned quickly "Do you want me to teach you?" You asked Abbacchio.

He scoffed and held his hand out to you "Please do" He didn't look at you and you took his hand and showed him how.


Your dad is skating around and you saw him just lift his leg all the way up to his head even Giorno was shocked "How long has he been skating for?" You asked him.

"No clue" Giorno answered and helped tie the laces on your skates.

He got onto the ice and then you stared down at it and put one foot onto the ice and then the other one and immediately fell forward.

"We don't need you getting hurt" Dio caught you and you hugged his arm to keep yourself up.

He helped you skate and slowly you learned and he enjoyed teaching you.

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