You draw them

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You showed him the drawing, and he liked it but was confused by one detail "(name) what's this?" He pointed at the chest.

"Your boobs" You answered.

"But I'm a man (name)" He said nervously.

"You have bigger boobs than mum," You told him, and he stared down at his then Erina came into the room and he stared at hers.

"Jonathan?" She asked confused.

"Your right" He mumbled.


You showed him the drawing, and he likes it a lot saying how sexy you made him look "But what's with this part?" He pointed at the hair.

"Its looks just like your hair," You told him not finding a problem with it.

"It's so spikey," He informed you and you made his hair spikey and point up.

"Have you seen your hair it always looks like a mess" You told him honestly.

He looked into the mirror "You might be right" He mumbled to himself he then grinned and messed up your hair "Ha your the same now!"

He ran for it as you chased him to get your revenge.


You were working on your drawing as your dad did some of his work on the sofa while Jolyne watched you "What is that?" She asked.

"Dad" You answered.

"No the purple thing it looks creepy" She pointed out making you pout and Star appeared and looked very upset.

"He's not creepy he's adorable!" You retorted.

Star smiled brightly and hugged you making you float "Again?" Jolyne asked this often happens, and she has no idea why.

"Yare yare daze" Jotaro sighed.

Your mum called out that dinner is ready and you ran to the kitchen and Jotaro picked up the drawing and smirked he put it in his pocket to keep for forever.


You did a drawing of him and he was very excited to see it.

He loves it "Just one thing (name) why is my hair so long?" He asked.

His hair is very very long in the front in the drawing it looks like a surf board "Your hair would look more awesome this way" You told him.

"That would be a lot of hair spray" Josuke mumbled.

"That's the problem?" Koichi asked, "You can't possibly get your hair that long."

"Anything is possible!" You both yelled and started planning on how you both will make this drawing reality.


You drew both your parents and showed them it.

"Where are my boobs?" Your mum asked.

"What boobs?" You asked and she got really depressed.

Anasui panicked and told her million of compliments while you sighed.


"Dad" You showed him the drawing you made of him.

"Its really good" He ruffled your hair.

Later on, Mista came and picked up this drawing "This looks horrible" He commented and you frowned.

"Mista you have three seconds" Giorno informed him.

Mista ran for it and Giorno and Bucciarati chased him Abbacchio picked up the drawing this time "There must have been something wrong with his eyes this is really good" He told you.

You smiled at him and hugged him he groaned but hugged you back.


"Is that dad?" Giorno asked seeing you drawing and that got Dio's attention.

"Yeah" You held it up to show them both.

Dio smirked the drawing is him standing on top of the earth "Oh so I rule over the earth?" He asked.

"No you told me your power is the world so I drew it" You explained.

He facepalmed and had his stand appear "That is The world" He told you.

"You sure?" Giorno and you asked.

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