They see an insect

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Johnathan was running around looking scared like someone was about to die "Dad what's wrong?" You asked with Erina by your side she was worried to.

"He needs help or she! Just come quick!" Johnathan ran.

You both followed him to find a bee on the ground outside moving a little "They are dying how do we help?" Johnathan looked to be on the edge of tears.

"Don't worry I know" Erina pat his head and went off then soon came back with some water in a small little bottle cap "I mixed some sugar into it."

She placed it down and you both saw the bee drink it then the bee got its energy back and flew off "They are okay! Bye bee!" Johnathan waved to them with pure joy.

"He's to-" Speedwagon was holding his heart while on his knees crying.

"You almost killed Speedwagon" You commented making Johnathan panic.


You came back home with Caesar to find Joseph on a chair with a chair in the wall and many new potential windows.

"Dad the hell?" You asked annoyed.

"Die!" Joseph yelled he then tried throwing a chair at a spider.

Caesar caught it "Its just a spider calm down" Caesar put down the chair.

You gave him some paper and a bowl "I will get rid of it, killing the poor thing isn't needed" He sighed.

"JOJO!! I WILL DEFEAT YOU!!" The spider yelled.

You all paused "ITS NEEDED KILL IT!!" Joseph and you yelled.

You all made many more potential windows.


Jolyne found a beetle and your both just staring at it curiously Jotaro was watching to wondering if you both like insects.

"How do you mate?" Jolyne hummed.

"Mate?" You asked.

"Dad said the word a couple of times before when staring at animals I don't know what it means" Jolyne explained.

"What does it eat?" You mumbled.

"Tongues," Jotaro answered and you both looked to him confused he then noticed he said that out loud then just quickly walked away.

Star just stayed behind waving at you, you both then heard the beetle start to fly you both didn't know they could fly.

"DAD!! STAR!!" You both ran terrified.


You came home to see Rohan and Josuke in the living room being quiet it was very weird.

"Is this a good angle?" You heard Josuke ask.

"Yeah now lick it" Rohan ordered.

You chocked on air and went around to see Josuke holding a bug and sticking his tongue out "The hell are you doing?"

"Oh (name) Jotaro said some bugs are eaten in places around the world and Rohan licks them often so I asked him about them and now I get to try one" Josuke grinned innocently.

"And you?" You looked to Rohan.

"I want to draw his face when he throws up" Rohan answered and you heard Josuke scream in disgust after he licked the bug and Rohan started drawing.


"Look at what I found!" Jolyne showed you excitedly.

Anasui screamed high pitch seeing the centipede and you both went to hide behind Jotaro.

"Why are you two hiding?" Jolyne asked confused.

"What in your brain thought touching that was a good idea?" You asked bewildered.

"Oh come on it isn't that creepy?" Jolyne sighed.

You pointed at Star who was also hiding behind Jotaro shivering "Dad are you scared of them too?" Jolyne asked.

Jotaro was frozen.


"We are going to die!" You, Bucciarati, Abbacchio and Giorno heard the yell from inside the building somewhere.

"Was that Mista?" You asked.

"Definitely who else goes that high pitch" Abbacchio groaned.

"Who is attacking my children?" Mama Bucciarati got up ready to murder.

The door then slammed open and Mista, Trish and Narancia came running in then fell to the floor.

"Who is chasing you?" You asked.

"I didn't mean to get the answer wrong but isn't 6 + 9 69?" Narancia asked.

"Oh, Fugo" The others mumbled.

"THAT'S WASN'T FUGO!!" Mista retorted.

"Oh, it is he asked me to use my power on him" Giorno added confusing you all.

"YOU GOT IT WRONG!!" A huge bettle came through the open window with a fork.


"WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE!?" Dio yelled.

"He's still hasn't killed it," You said shocked from behind Giorno.

"His greatest enemy is a fly," Giorno said bewildered.

A whole building has been destroyed while Dio has been trying to whack the fly out of existence with a stop sign.

"Dad have you tried stopping time?!" You yelled to him.

"FIFTY FUC-" Giorno covered your ears as Dio screamed.

"Why is he angry at a fly anyway I thought insects were beneath him?" Giorno asked after he uncovered your ears.

"It landed on his cake and he thinks it pooped on it" You answered.

"IT DID!!! NOW DIE!!" Dio shrieked.

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