You find out something embarrassing about them

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You were shown a picture of your dad when he was younger wearing ten layers of shirts "Why?" you asked him.

"Because your mother said she liked them all and I didn't know which one to choose so I wore them all" He explained and you found that quite cute.


"Look" Caeser handed you a picture of your dad when he was younger and it's frightening.

"I never knew you were into this dad" You showed him the picture of him cross-dressing.



You found a couple of teddies in your parent's room they are of sea animal and you asked your dad about who they belong to.

"No one I don't know why they are there" He lied.

"Guess we will throw them away," Jolyne told him and he took them from you both and walked away with a small blush on his cheeks.


You realised he has a fear of turtles and you were told how badly he reacts to them, you just stared at your dad and decided to use a picture of a turtle from the aquarium and showed him it.

He ended up crying in the corner "Wow" You commented.


"Mum why are you staring at a snail?" You asked her and she quickly looked away from it.

"Nothing" She walked off clearly embarrassed you wondered what she was thinking about but it's probably better that you don't know.


"Remember when you first joined and drank Abbacchio's piss like it was a good cup of tea" Mista laughed and you were horrified and Bucciarati took you out of the room.

You saw your dad trying to hide in his chair he didn't want to explain why he did that because you would still find it weird even if he explained.


Whenever you compare his weird clothing choice to what it looks like, he always throws the clothes away or burn them.

Burning them is the best option to you and Giorno.

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