You both play with a Ouija board

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"What are you two doing?" Johnathan asked seeing you and Dio in the dark playing with an Ouija board.

"Talking to the dead?" You mumbled.

"Has anyone answered yet?" Johnathan asked nervously.

You found it cute "No I don't why though" You shrugged.

"My greatness is just to much for them" Dio smirked.

"No one wants to talk to you that's it if you were gone they would talk to (name) because she's so lovely" Speedwagon stated then Dio chased after him.

"Come on let's go" Johnathan came over to you.

You moved the thing to goodbye and Johnathan picked you up and left quickly making you laugh.


You were playing with Joseph and nothing was happening "Who is there?" Joseph asked and you got an idea you started to move it.

Joseph got really excited "C...e."

Midway through he started crying surprising you but you finished and Joseph was weeping.

"What's wrong?" Holy asked being woken up by his crying.

"Ceasar is dead!" Joseph exclaimed.

"Oi don't just kill me off!" Caesar yelled.

"Not you the salad!" Joseph rolled all over the floor.


He found you and Jolyne playing with one "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Talking to spirits" Jolyne answered excitedly.

"Wait we are? I already do that" You mumbled.

Jolyne looked at you amazed "Get them to do something!"

You looked to Star he went over and picked Jolyne up then you and flew around the room.

Jolyne found it amazing and Jotaro just watched happily as you two laughed in joy.


"What is that?" Josuke asked seeing you and Rohan trying out an Ouija board.

"Its a board that lets you talk to spirits" You answered while Rohan ignored him.

Josuke joined in and you all asked questions but didn't get any answers "This is stupid hey ghost fight me!" Josuke exclaimed.

"What?" You all heard making each of you freeze.

"I didn't mean it" Josuke laughed nervously.

"I can't hear you well I'm coming over to you" They responded.

Rohan was gone so was your window and Josuke was underneath a table crying you heard footsteps then saw who it was talking "What is it you were saying?" Joseph asked.

You laughed while Josuke sighed in relief.


You went downstairs to get a drink in the middle of the night then found your parents playing with a Ouija board "You have got to be kidding me."

"Oh (name) join us!" Anasui exclaimed.

"What could happen?" You sat next to him and joined.

Jolyne kept asking questions each made you groan more every time "Why do you keep groaning?" She pouted.

"I don't think the ghosts wants to put in the energy to tell you how your hair looks," You told her the truth.

"Why don't you try and talk to someone?" Anasui asked you.

"Hello is my will to live there?" You asked.


Your playing the Ouija board with Fugo, Narancia and Mista "Hey ghost do you want some crisps? Are you there? What's four time four?" Narancia asked.

Fugo stabbed him with a fork and Mista was screaming about the number four.

You were just eating some crisps while they were screaming "They are definitely scaring the ghosts away" You mumbled.

Everyone froze when you all heard footsteps Mista and Narancia were hugging you tightly.

The door slammed open making the others scream "ITS PAST BEDTIME GO TO SLEEP!!" Bucciarati demanded.

Narancia and Mista sulked for a second but then ran when Bucciarati glared at them.

Giorno and Abbacchio came in wondering what was happening and had curlers in their hair.

Bucciarati and Giorno took you back to bed and you had your head on Giorno's shoulder and saw someone waving at you.

You waved but they then disappeared "Ghosts do exist" You mumbled then fell asleep as Giorno rubbed your back.


"Dad, have you lost it?" You asked seeing him playing with an Ouija board.

"Of course he has lost it ages ago" Giorno yawned its late at night.

"I'm challenging the spirits to a fight to prove I'm the strongest!" Dio laughed loudly.

You both just left him to go sleep and when you woke you found Dio making breakfast it was bacon and eggs actual edible food.

"Good morning my wonderful son and beautiful daughter" He greeted you both with a gentle smile.

"Dad's possessed!" You both ran for it.

Jojo daughter scenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon