Someone swears in front of you

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"Damn!" Jonathan yelled and then looked to you shocked "Oh no I swore" He panicked.

Jonathan could never say a swear word, and he finds the word damn is such a horrible thing for him to say.

He repeatedly apologised to Erina who said it was fine.


"****! ****!" Your dad swore like a sailor because he stumped his toe against the stairs.

"Oh (name) don't copy me please stay ladylike" He put his hands on your shoulders and you already knew those words he has sworn multiple times before when he messes up or falls over.

"****!" You mumbled when you were at dinner and some of your food dropped on to the floor.

"****!" Holly swore as she accidentally spilt some of her drink.

Joseph at that moment wanted to die and he slammed his face into his food and you heard a muffled swear from him that made Suzi laugh.


"Bitch!" Your sister yelled at your mum and you then did the same thing and your mum was surprised.

Your grandmother was over for the day and saw this she laughed as your dad tried to hide in the sofa "Just like you" Holy commented.

Jotaro had a long talk with Jolyne to why she shouldn't say that word, but she called him it again and you did the same because you thought its a nice nickname for your parents.


You were out with your dad and your playing in the park as he talks with Koichi and Okuyasu.

"Hello" Some strange man approached you, you and your dad made a plan to stop you from getting Kidnapped ever again.

"**** **** ***!" You shouted at him every word your dad taught you and he ran for it as your dad ran after him ready to give him a good beating.

Koichi was shocked that your dad taught you those words and your mother made him sleep on the sofa when she found out.


Your mum was getting frustrated and then swore she then looked at you and panicked "Never repeat that word!" She yelled.

"Okay bitch," You told her.

"What did I say!?" she yelled.

"It isn't the word you said" You left her speechless.


"****!" Mista swore in front of you, Giorno and Bucciarati glared at him.

"(name) don't repeat a single word he said," Your dad told you.

"What you mean **** I have been taught this word before by Mista" You pointed at him.

Your dad's stand came out and Mista ran for it as Bucciarati ran after him.


He swears all the time and you have never cared "****!" You dropped something and they both looked at you shocked.

"(name)! Where did you learn that?" Dio asked you.

"You" You answered, and he got very nervous as Giorno gave him a look of disappointment.

Dio tried his best to not swear as much around you two and everyone was surprised by how much you both have changed your dad.

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