You get traumatised

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"This is cool" You commented seeing the furnace you were helping Speedwagon burn some rubbish.

"Hopefully we can throw Dio in here day where he belongs" Speedwagon sighed.

"I'm to hot for fire to burn me" Dio moved his eyebrows up and down.

"Danny wasn't," Johnathan said depressed under a tree nearby.

"Wait wasn't that your dog? Did a dog get burned alive in here?" You asked and Dio was gone.


"Look it isn't my fault I found her hot!" Joseph yelled as you walked in.

Caesar was looking at him with disgust "You better not be cheating" You gave him quite the glare making him scream.

"No it was before I met your mother" Joseph reassured you so you calmed down.

"And you found your mother hotter than your wife and peaked on her" Caesar mumbled.

You were done with him for a lifetime and were gone before Joseph could even speak.


"Dad the hell are you showing her?" Jolyne asked seeing the picture.

"She said she was interested in rats" Jotaro explained not getting what's wrong.


"It's rats made into jelly that I found" Jotaro corrected her.

She gave him the a wtf look she was horrified and took you away from him your mind was completely shut down from seeing that image.

"You okay?" Jolyne asked concerned.

"He said he poked it" You told her and you both gagged.


Your in the park and were playing football with the others.

"Come on Rohan just join in for a little" Josuke complained but got ignored.

"Please?" You asked he sighed and got up.

"One kick" Rohan told you guys and you kicked the ball to him, and he kicked it right at Josuke's face.

Josuke went down and the ball went flying.

You went after the ball it went into the bushes and once you picked it up you heard a sound.

You moved some leaves "Oh you bad girl" You saw Kira with a hand in his mouth he then turned to look at you.

You quickly went back to the other to find Josuke is knocked out "Please knock me out to" You asked of them, and they were very concerned why you had such a traumatised look on your face.


She was talking and was getting annoyed you weren't paying attention to her "You know I was actually a snail once?"

You looked to her "Why are staring at me with disappointment?" Jolyne asked confused.

"You didn't did you?" You asked you remembered that fact she told you about before.

"Well.." She turned away.

"Gross" You cringed.

"Can you blame me?" She ased.

"YES! YES! YES!" You yelled.


You heard screaming and opened a door to see Mista and Giorno, Mista is screaming in pain "Don't! Stop please!"

"Stay still we don't want (name) to see you like this" Giorno sighed.

You noped right out of there "Who's there?" Giorno looked but saw no one.

He went back to healing, and you went over to Bucciarati and hugged his leg.

He went into full concerned mother mood but you didn't say a word.


"Are you okay?" Giorno asked seeing you sitting on the floor in a ball.

"Dad has a diary" You explained.

"And?" He sat down.

"He writes in it" You went on.

"Yeah so?" He tilted his head confused.

"He writes everything in it" You explained with the most traumatised expression on your face.

"Where is it?" He asked a little curious.

There" You pointed at the floor where there's a fire.

Giorno gave you a hug to try and comfort you when Dio came back Giorno gave him the harshest glare making him flinch.

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