Stupid victories

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"I have a plan to get Dio out of his room," Johnathan told you, all of you are having a meeting to get Dio out of his room since he's been in there for a week.

"I will leave something he enjoys in front of his door and it will cheer him up and get him to come out" Johnathan grinned "But I don't know what."

"A dog and a lighter" Speedwagon added immediately.

"Wine" Erina suggested.

"Cake" You spoke up.

You guys couldn't choose so you chose them all except the lighter and put them all in front of his door then knocked and ran around the corner.

The door opened and Dio was there with bed hair and saw all the things "A dog? I hate them and this kind of wine it's Jojo's favourite" Dio hissed.

Dio took the cake with him though and he did come out later making you all celebrate and Speedwagon didn't stop teasing him about the cake and Johnathan had to hold Dio back from murder.


"But I still won" Joseph whined as Erina was helping him with his boo-boo.

"Who did you fight?" You asked.

"Concrete" Caesar answered.

You were confused "How can you win against concrete?" You asked.

"I won because I will heal from my injury its injuries will never heal!" Joseph yelled victoriously.

"He just left a small scrap on it when he fell over chasing after the ice cream truck" Caesar explained making Joseph whine.


"What are you looking at?" You asked Jolyne.

"Uncle Polnareff and Kakyoin are here and are staring down Dad I wanna see him get scolded" Jolyne grinned.

You started to watch too "Jotaro have you finally learned?" Kakyoin asked.

"A PhD is worthless this is much more useful" Polnareff added.

You were both confused "You haven't left me alone I'm only doing so you will stop annoying me" Jotaro did some signs with his hands confusing Jolyne.

"Well done you finally did it" They both clapped and so did Star proud of him.

"Was that a dance?" Jolyne asked.

"Your underwear is showing!" You yelled recognising it Kakyoin taught you it before.

Jotaro then noticed you two and quickly walked off embarrassed.


"I did it! I won finally after so many years!" Josuke was yelling happily while running about.

Rohan was annoyed by his happiness "What did you win? Food?" You asked.

"No something even better!" Josuke was now hugging you happily.

"A hot chick!" Okuyasu yelled.

"HE'S MARRIED!!" Your mother yelled from somewhere in the house.

"I won happiness!" Josuke held something up "I was finally able to put in the straw into the Capri sun without stabbing it through!"

Rohan looked done with him "YOUR AMAZING!!" Okuyasu yelled excitedly they were both celebrating happily.

"Well done" You added making Josuke even happier.


You were walking into the living room then Jolyne smashed into the wall right next to you and fell to the ground.

"The hell" You stared down at her.

She got up and went to go pick up some gum then started to chew it while staring at a wall.

Jotaro came in next "Is she still going?" He sighed.

"Is she trying to get brain damage?" You asked him.

"I think she already has got some" He sighed again pointing at the indents in some of the walls.

You saw her spit out the gum kick it with her shoe and catch it back into her mouth "I DID IT!!" She yelled excitedly.

You found that gross and disturbing so did Jotaro.


In the room it is the tensest it has ever been it's the same for you this very minute is the most important one in all of your lives, it has all come to this.

"Giorno make sure you don't shake even a little" Bucciarati instructed of him.

"If you mess up its all over" Abbacchio added then downed his wine to calm his nerves.

"I will be able to do it" Giorno lifted up the card and slowly started to put them onto the card pyramid you all have spent all day doing.

He finally removed his hands and you all cheered happily that it stayed but someone hit the desk and it fell apart.

"NNNOOOOOO!!" Mista and Narancia fell to their knees crying.

"Aren't we suppose to be working?" Fugo asked.

"There there we can do it again" Bucciarati and you pat Mista's and Narancia's head they both clung onto you two crying.


You both haven't seen Dio all day and are very concerned that he might be destroying the city but it's weirdly silent out there too.

You would be able to hear his wrrrys from even a mile off.

"Damn it!" You heard from upstairs and went up to see Dio glaring at the mirror.

He has his toothbrush in hand and went to throw it into the cup you guys put them in.

He failed you both watched until he got it in "First try!" He cheered.

"Dad it's 7 at night" Giorno spoke up and he paused "You been here since the morning haven't you?"

Dio was silent "Well your very persistent well done" You clapped for him and he smirked proudly.

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