They tell you a random fact

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You opened the door to your dad's study and saw he is reading something with a smile on his face but then a tear went down his face "Dad!?" You asked worried.

"Oh come here (name)" He motioned for you to come over.

He showed you the book it had a fact in it, sea otters hold hands while they sleep.

This made you cry a little from the cuteness and you two talked about how cute that would be to see.

Erina came in and was worried about seeing the tears on your faces and Johnathan showed her the book, and she giggled at how cute you two are.


"High heels were originally worn by men," Joseph told you as he put on some heels.

"Your gonna die," You informed him.

"No I won't!" He stood up and fell down because his ankle went to the side and you heard something break.

"You broke your ankle didn't you?" You asked and cringed from the sound from before.

"Get Ceaser" He is trying his best not to cry.

You got Ceasar, and he healed his broken ankle and took the heels off of him.


Your crying and Jolyne is trying to cheer you up.

Holy is over looking after you two as your dad finishes his work "What's wrong?" She picked you up and hugged you.

"Dad said some dolphins live up to only 20 years old" You explained, and they were confused "THAT'S TO SHORT!! I DON'T WANT THEM TO DIE!!"

They were both surprised by your yelling and Jotaro came out of his study and sighed.

He put his hat on your head thinking that will fix it but you kept crying.

Jolyne attacked Jotaro "You made her cry! No making my sister cry!"

You and Holy laughed seeing Jotaro is sitting on the floor not moving as Jolyne kept hitting him until she tripped over his knee and ended up punching that area.

Jotaro was then dying on the floor for the next 10 minutes as Jolyne stood on top of him victorious.


"(name)" Your dad put his hands on your shoulders and had a very serious expression "The cake is a lie."

"What cake?" You asked.

"The cake is a lie" He repeated.

"Did you eat some cake?" You asked.

"The cake is a lie," He told you.

"MUM!! DAD HAS LOST IT!!" You yelled.


"Snails can have sex with anything," Your mum told you.

You just stared at her "Mum what the hell!?" You yelled.

"What?" She asked and you got up to leave "Where are you going?"

"I can't eat after you put that disgusting image in my head!" You yelled.


You got bored and went to see if your dad is busy you opened the door to his office.

"It's quite interesting that the human head is conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it has been decapitated" Giorno mumbled with a smile on his face, and then he looked up to see you giving him a creeped out stare.

You left him alone and found Bucciarati and pulled on his clothes "What is it?" He asked still reading some paper he has while drinking some tea.

"Do you guys decapitate people often?" You asked and he immediately started choking on the tea.


"Dad I'm bored" You whined.

"You want to hear something interesting?" He asked while reading a book.

"Yeah!" You answered.

"The adult human body contains approximately 1.325 gallons of blood," He told you and he didn't hear anything so he looked to see your horrified expression.

"BROTHER DAD IS A MURDER!!" You yelled running.

"Wait!?" Dio yelled and chased after you.

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