You play in the snow together

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You heard a high pitch scream and you all looked around to see it's only Johnathan that is missing.

You all ran outside to see Johnathan crying in front of the snowman you made with Dio.

"Is it bad?" You asked a little disappointed.

"He's been eaten!" Johnathan cried.

"Oh those are just his pants" You pointed at the alive Dio.

You both used some of his pants for the snowman to make it look like it's eating someone it was Dio's idea.

Johnathan tackled Dio into a hug Dio kept hissing at him to let go.

"Damn to bad" Speedwagon sighed.


"This is the best idea he has ever had" You said in awe.

Both Caesar and Joseph made giant snowmen and are using their hamon to control it.

They were fighting as you watched Holly gave you a hot chocolate "Make sure to keep warm" She ruffled your hair.

"How did you come from dad?" You asked her since she's such an angel.

She laughed and Joseph won the fight Caesar was buried alive in the snow "SHIZZZA!!" Joseph yelled and started to dig.

Caesar eventually got out he was soaked Holy gave him a hot chocolate to.

"Its time to go home!" Holy informed Joseph.

"Race you there!" Joseph made it run along the road there was a lot of screaming.

"Still an idiot" You sipped your hot chocolate.

"He is" Caesar took a sip from his one to.


You were at the park playing with Jolyne you got hit by a many snowballs making you cry out in pain since you got hit in the face.

"Oi leave her alone!" Jolyne yelled.

It was a group of boys, and they were about to throw more when they went as pale as the snow and ran.

A huge snowball that was the size of a boulder went after them both of your mouths dropped.

You then got hugged and looked up to see its Star he was glaring at the boys.

"That was awesome whoever did that throw more!?" Jolyne exclaimed and guess what Star did to make her smile.

Nearby on a bench Jotaro heard screaming and looked up from his marine book to see Jolyne laughing evilly while your standing there confused and people are running and screaming Star is just smiling innocently.

Jotaro got you two out of there quickly.


"What is this?" You asked seeing the weird indent on the ground its not a snow angel.

"Its a snow bro!" Okuyasu exclaimed.

Josuke and Okuyasu made a snowbro by taking turns in punching each other to the ground to land in the same spot.

They were very proud of their creation "Idiots" Rohan sighed.

"Can there be a snow lover?" Yukako looked to Koichi he got scared and ran.

"Snow family!" Josuke tackled you and Jotaro to the ground.

You were laughing happily making him smile and Jotaro was a little annoyed but smirked in the end.


You all were doing a snowman competition you made a decent one "Is that a snowman?" You asked your mum.

"Of course it is!" She exclaimed as the head fell to the ground.

You just pat her back as she bent down in despair "Well you probably come in second the rest didn't make snowmen" You pointed out.

Jotaro was happily making every marine animal using Star, and they all are super detailed.

Ansui was making you two "We said it's a competition of best snowmen" Jolyne sighed.

"Marine life is the best" Jotaro explained.

"You two are the best!" Anasui exclaimed.

Jolyne poked your one and the haed fell off making Anasui cry "Never touch me again" You told Jolyne scared.

"Don't touch my dolphins," Jotaro told her not wanting her to decapitate them.

She just gave you both a wtf look.


You were making snowmen with Bucciarati, Giorno and Abbacchio you had one each, and you noticed you were missing a carrot.

Giorno turned a stone into a carrot for you and Abbacchio picked you up so you can reach and put it on the snowman finishing it.

"You done well" Giorno grinned.

"It's not bad" Abbacchio added putting you on his shoulders there was a flash and you saw Bucciarati took a picture.

The happy atmosphere was then ruined by high pitch screams Trisha is running with Mista in her arms and is Narancia close behind.

"A snowman?" Abbacchio asked seeing it running after them.

"With human legs" You added.

"FOUR! IT WAS FOUR!!" It yelled making them all cry in fear they all got behind Bucciarati frightened.

"I'm sorry!" Narancia cried.

The snowman fell apart to reveal Fugo underneath "Did you guys try to bury him alive?" Bucciarati got ready to scold them.

"We thought snow would cool him down!" Mista cried while hugging you then he noticed all the four snowmen you guys made they surrounded him, and he fainted.

He was traumatised from then on whenever he saw a snowman he would scream.


"Dad why?" Giorno questioned him.

"Because we are gonna wreck all of the other competition!" Dio laughed loudly.

Your sitting on top of it "I mean that is what it's used for you" You mumbled you're on a road roller.

You guys lost the competition it was to build a snowman not a road roller.

"Okay then (name) my daughter ready to win this competition?" He picked you up and put you on his shoulder.

"We can still win?"You asked happily.

"Yes!" He picked up the road roller it's huge so it's going to hurt "WRRRRYYY!!"

He went after everyone you guys didn't win the competition but you won the battle of the snowmen.

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