Chapter 62

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Why the hell am I here.

Me: "Did ya miss me eve."

She stared at me her eyes were widened.

Evelynn: "Sweetie i-is it really you?"

She was visibly shaking

Me: "Heh uh you okay there you look a little shook."

She stared at me in disbelief

Me: "And what's up with the hair when did ya get it change it looks nice but kinda weird I'm used to your pink hair-"

I get cut off when she lunges at me and nearly crushes my body in a hug.

Me: "I missed you too honey."

I feel tears soaking into my shoulder and I hear evelynn sobbing softly. The other idols immediately rush to me even sera came to me. I pat Evelyn's back and massged it in a slow and gentle fashion. I teleport onto the couch with evelynn still gripping onto me tightly.

Me: I'm sure your all tired I'll explain everything tomorrow for now let's just go home."

I created my clones and I teleport all of them back to the penthouse.

Me: "Wow this place hasn't changed one bit."

Sera: "Y/n how are you here you were dead."

Me: "I promise everything will be explained tommorow for now just get some rest."

I look down at evelynn and kiss the top of her head.

Me: "I can sleep with you tonight I've you want to eve."

Ahri walked up to me and leaned down to face me. She places her againts my cheek a smile creeps onto my face.

Me: "It's me ahri I'm here and I'm real."

Akali runs up to me and tackles me adding to the weight on my body. She had tears streaming down her face. Kai'sa walks up after her and sits down next to me. Her arms wrap around my body. Ahri falls on top of me cruising me further.

Me: "Don't you think a bed would be more comfortable."

The girls didn't say anything and just kept hugging me. Sera walked off to her room with "I'll give you some privacy" look on her face.

Me: "Y'know I haven't been able to shower I was technically dead I would like to take a shower."

I try to get up but all of their grips tighten on me. All right guess I'm doing this the hard way. I create my clones and they pick up all the girls and take them to their respective rooms.

I leave the living room and take a shower in Evelynn's room. I made sure not to take too long. The clones dissapeared and all their memories rush to me. Most of them the girls were asleep except for Kai'sa. I open Evelynn's bathroom door and teleport to my old room. It was in the exact same state it was before.

Dust had gathered in the room, it looked abandoned. A small frown makes its way onto my face. How much did they cry how much pain did I cause them. My mind ponders these question for a moment as I stand in silence.

I try to forget what I thought of and put on some clothes. Wow I did not grow at all. I make my way out of my room and into kai'sas. I open the door and see kai'sa sitting on her bed hugging a pillow.

Me: "Hey kai, you okay."

She looked spooked and stared at me for a moment. She stand is and slowly walks up to me. Her hand cups my cheek I place my hand over hers

Me: "You look really diffrent kai, heh you changed a lot while I basically stayed the same."

Tears start streaming down her face she wraps her arms around my body pulling me in a tight hug she sobs but manages to speak

Kai'sa: "It was so hard without you."

Me: "I know I'm sorry but that was the only way I could think of wining with all of you alive."


Her crying intensified, I picked her up and placed her on her bed. I tightened my grip on her and rub her back slowly.

Me: "It's okay I'm here now I'll always stay by your side and I won't let you go."

I lay down with her into a more comfortable position.

Me: "Let it all out."

She continued to cry into my arms for a few minutes until it all turned to small sniffles. She looks up to me with her eyes reddened.

Me: "If I remember correctly it was your turn to sleep with me."

She rest her head back on my shoulders.

Me: "Do you want some water kai you cried quite a bit and hydration is important."

She nodded her head but as I go to stand up she grips tighter onto me. I create my clone and he runs off to the kitchen while I hold kai'sa. He comes back and hand me the water. I give it to kai'sa who grabs it and drinks it.

Me: "That should help with the headache."

I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. She stared into my eyes for a moment before looking down and hugging me again.

Me: "I'll sleep with you tonight if you want me to."

She nods her head and keeps me close to her. I throw the blanket over us and wrap her up as best I can without letting her go.

Kai'sa: "Do you promise."

Her voice was muffled by the hug but I managed to hear her.

Me: "Promise what kai?"

Kai'sa: "To never leave us again."

Me: "I'm not sure that's a promise I can keep kai."

I felt her shift and look up to me

Me: "There's a lot that can happen to a person to make them dissapear."

I place another kiss on her forehead.

Me: "But I do promise Ill do my best to stay with all of you for as long as I can."

She smiled and closed her eyes while hugging me again. I close my eyes and let the darkness slowly embrace me.

Welp, I continued the other story I can't just let my baby die.

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