Chapter 2

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This. Is. So. Awesome.
The roar of the crowd the pure energy in the stadium was so intense. After evelynn announced the begining of the show they started to play their music. It was so unique I loved it I turned around to face b/f/n to see her with an excited face "see I told you y/n this was gonna be awesome" a smile creeps unto my face "remind me not to doubt you again." She looks back at me and laughs "of course you know I'm always right."
What felt like minutes pass and the show was near the end K/DA was about to play their most popular song Pop/Stars

It was beautiful the choreography,the music, and the lights all perfectly blended together to create a spectacular performance I had never seen anything like it. As the show ended everyone was seen leaving and the bodyguard from before escorted us backstage I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for this.

We walk into their room and Kai'sa evelynn and ahri were all siting on the couch meanwhile akali was leaning against a wall. B/f/n almost immediately rushed in and began to ask for an autograph and a picture from the group. I stayed back miroring akali by leaning against a wall.

Suddenly my name gets called out by b/f/n I walk in front of the group slightly nervous but mostly neutral and give them a simple introduction "yo the names y/n l/n" then b/f/n starts to talk " he's my best friend he was planning on just giving these tickets up crazy right?" Ahri then answered "Really you were why would you everyone wants to meets us." This slightly ticked me off it was almost as if she said she was better than normal people indirectly. I kept this emotion hidden and respond "eh it seemed like it wouldn't be worth the hassle but this one over here kept telling me to go" I look at b/f/n she was slightly embarrassed I wanted to embarrass her more so I continued" yeah she kept saying that you were all amazing and that she loves yo-" b/f/n punched my arm I give her a small smirk.

This action didn't go unpunished she fired back "and that's why you're short and don't have a girlfriend." My pride had been attacked "Hey I'm not short I'm perfectly average for my age" evelynn then cut in "Yeah you seem perfectly tall for a 13 year old" another shot at my pride first by my Freind and now by a popstar I stayed silent after that. But b/f/n didn't miss the chance to poke fun at me some more b/f/n said "he's 18 years old look at him how short he is" I felt destroyed my ears and tail flopped down b/f/n satisfied now comforted me slightly by petting my ears " c'mon y/n you know I'm just messing with you" my ears perked up and I composed my self.

"Well idols it was nice meeting ya but we'll be on our way now." I start to walk away before someone pulled me back and forced me on a couch it was b/f/n she wanted to talk to the idols more so I kinda just rolled with it but then they started to be more interested in me they began to ask questions. Ahri asked " so what's the deal with the ears and tail" I decided not to be a smart ass and answered her question. "They're real if that's what you're asking my ma had the same thing and my pa was human." Her ears perked up slightly she looked like she was going to ask another question but then akali asked one "so why did you come here exactly did you actually just come because your Freind told you too" this question ticked me off slightly but I stayed quite about that and answered "yeah plus I was bored and had nothing to do today" evelynn asked her question next "so are those ear of yours sensitive to touch if you don't answer that's fine but I'll have to find out for my self~"

I was slightly embarrassed at the comment but I answered anyways "yes they are very sensitive to touch" "Interesting~" she said with a smirk on her face. I look away and towards kai'sa she has been awfully quite this entire time so I ask her if she had any questions for me she flinched slightly which felt a bit off to me then ahri spoke up "oh don't worry about her she is just a bit shy." Then kai'sa spoke up "y-yes Its not a q-question it's a request" she said with a slight stutter which I found adorable she continued to speak " i-if it isn't a b-bother may I touch your ears" I look at her for a second and smiled "Sure if you really want to" I walk up to her and lean my head down to she can pet my ears I didn't really mind. After a minute or two she stopped so I sat back down. We continued to chat for a few minutes mostly b/f/n being a fan girl when the bodygaurd walked into the room and asked us to come with him to the limo me and b/f/n said our goodbyes and before we left they informed us that only the prize winner could go meet with K/DA tommorow b/f/n was upset about it but was still happy she got to meet the idols.

The limo took us to my home and we decided to have a sleep over as it was pretty late. I enter my house and see p/n sleeping so we carefully walked by to not wake up p/n. I saw his food and water bowl almost empty I knew I would have to change it tommorow. Me and b/f/n sneaked into my room and stayed up a bit longer watching a movie. I decided to let her have the bed I didn't mind sleeping on the floor anyway. I couldn't lie meeting the idols and going to the concert was really excited and I couldn't wait till tommorow it was gonna be fun. I slowly start to fall asleep thinking about all the things that happened today I was happy I liked this feeling meeting such good musicians I wish my music could compare to theirs.

So what do you think about this chapter I'm working hard I hope you enjoyed and see you next time.

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