Chapter 25

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WOOOO HOOO we hit the big 10 K reads and I've decided that everytime we hit 5k more reads I'll release 5 chapters that week

Me: "For as much as I would like to stay like this eve I have something to do today."

I tried to get up but she pushed me down her face centimeters away from my ears.

Evelynn: "What exactly is so important you want to leave y/n~"

She blew into my ear it feels so weird when she does that.

Me: "I f-finshed a song and I want to get it recorded."

Evelynn: "So now a little song is more important that me?~"

Me "N-no eve it's N-not like that."

She giggled but quickly composed herself

Evelynn:" C'mon y/n you make teasing you so easy and when you give me all these cute reactions how can I resist teasing you."

She gave me a kiss and got off me

I got off the couch a blush still on my face I headed for the door and exited the penthouse. I walked over to the studio for the second time today. After a few minutes I made it, I enter the studio building. I had to create the beat again but I had it recorded already so now I just need to recreate it. I didn't see sona around she must've finished with yasuo.

I spent a few minutes recreating the beat I went inside to record the lyrics my clone giving me the signal. I sang the lyrics of the song I made earlier naming the song Despicable.

???: "So you are grandson~"

I turn around and see a woman holding a phone. She was wearing very revealing clothing her features were very visible.

???: "I wonder what the world would think if they saw the real face of grandson~"

I slightly chuckle at her comment

Me: "You do realize I don't care if people see my face right?"

???: "No but what would people think if they knew K/DA's boyfriend was you~"

She snaked her way behind me her words ringing inside my head.

Me: "What do you want."

???: "You have the ability to teleport so take me to your room."

Why does she want to go to my room dammit she's got me in checkmate.

Me: "Fine"

I teleported back home landing on my bed. She got off me and locked the door the noise was loud. Her skin changed color to pink and a tail grew out of her they kinda reminded me of Evelynn's she chuckled as she approached me. Maybe I should call for help god why didn't I do this earlier. I yelled at the top of my lungs.


She placed her hand againts my throat and I felt like I was choking I grew weaker like she was draining my energy.

???: "Now now don't ruin the fun just yet~"

She eventually let go of me and I fell back she crawled on to me.

???: "Haa~ it's been so long since I've had prey this cute."

She caressed my face I was scared and wasn't even able to scream. I shiver as her hand touches my face I feel so defiled.

???: "No need to be scared It will feel good I promise~"

Just then the door burst open it looked like it was ripped off its hinges.


The woman looked shocked but spoke

???: "Honey why are you doing here."

Evelynn: "Mom get off y/n right now"

I was completely paralyzed but the woman got off of me going back to her more human looking form. Evelynn rushed to me and hugged me close.

Evelynn: "Are you okay sweetie did she do anything to you."

She checked me over I weakly awnswerd

Me: "I'm okay... Just really tired..."

She gave me a small kiss and told me to rest up.

Evelynn PoV

Me: "Mom what are you doing here."

I was angry I knew damn well what she was trying to do to y/n.

Mom: "I saw him in the studio and saw an opportunity to get me some innocent prey don't pretend you wouldn't have done the same."

She wasn't wrong If I didn't know y/n like I know him now I would do the same.

Me: "I would but he's already mine so keep your hands off."

Mom: "ooh my sweet daughter finally found herself a man she wants to keep. I wonder how long he'll stick around after he finds out what you're really like."

Me: "Unlike you I actually know how to keep a man that I like."

She looked angry she knew exactly who I was talking about. She calmed down and apologized a very rare sight to say the least.

Mom: "If he makes you happy then I'll leave him alone."

She pulled out her phone and deleted some stuff.

Mom: "What a shame he was so cute I bet his screams would have been amazing."

I smirk and chuckle

Me: "There is more to him than that mom."

She also smirked

Mom: "I'm sure there is you wouldn't have kept him otherwise I would like to meet him properly."

Me: "Later mom for now just let him rest."

She nodded and left soon after leaving me alone with y/n sleeping peacefully.

He looks so cute and innocent I place my hand againts his face giving him a small kiss. Well he's not awake to say no so I may as well. I got on his bed pulling him close he's the perfect body pillow. His face was againts my chest I can't wait to see his reaction when he wakes up.

I run my hand trough his hair petting his ears. He hugs me closer a cute smile on his face. I continue to pet him thinking about how lucky I am to have him here. I'm glad we found him before anyone else did he has such a charming and happy aura surrounding him he really brightens up my day I imagine it's the same for the others. I give him one more kiss sweet dreams my dear y/n.

I actually have a bunch of birds and here is Maco with blue.

I actually have a bunch of birds and here is Maco with blue

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