Chapter 5

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Oh boy Monday the worst day of the week, let's just get this over with. Wait what am I gonna do about p/n his cage isn't set up yet damn. Ok I got a plan I got up and created all 5 clones I was gonna need them today

I gave instructions to the clones to the first "Tom, your task is to set up the cage and take care of p/n" to the second, third and fourth "Jim you, Jeremy, and Michael help to unpack the boxes" I talk to the last one "Alex you clean the room up and try to organize the room"

After I gave the instructions to the clones I left to take a shower I still had school, though it's really not necessary I want to at least finish highschool I only had a few weeks left anyway so I decided to stick it out.
Time skip after morning routine

The clones were almost finished with everything only the organization was left I decided to skip breakfast I wanted to walk I wouldn't have had enough time to eat. On my way to school I see b/f/n walking too so I teleport next to her and say hi "oh hey y/n you walking today?" I nod me and b/f/n kept walking towards school.

A few minutes later and we arrived taking a step into the school once again and seeing all the small details the brick walls, the lame posters, and all the other people. Me and b/f/n were walking towards first period when someone bumps into me. "Watch where you're going loser" it was the school bully Thomas Paine. I stood up not really caring to bother with him until. Someone grabbed onto my shoulder I turned around only to be met by a fist to the face. I fell down slightly stunned "What you not gonna apologize when you bumped into ME." B/f/n slapped Thomas this angered him and he slapped her back.

After that I got up and summoned my clones I started to run in the opposite direction of Thomas only only to teleport behind him and using the momentum gained to punch him full force to the back of the head. I was small and light so it didn't knock him out however it probably hurt like hell. The clones start to do the same running and teleporting to strike Thomas it was a fast array of attacks all of us swarming him like bees and stinging like wasps. A kick a punch a jab all types of attacks to various areas. Thomas eventually broke loose and attacked a clone a punch made the clone dissapear but just as quickly as that clone dissapear a new one took its place. We were going to attack again but then suddenly.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" it was the one teacher everyone feared Ms. Fiora thomas immediately put on a show like he was the victim and how I attacked first Ms. Fiora being the person she was didn't fall for it "Thomas Paine follow me to the principles office" Thomas tried to argue but was quickly shut down. Before he left he silently mouthed "you're so dead l/n." Me not really being scared flipped him off and went over to check if b/f/n was alright. She quickly got up asked me if I was okay I was slightly confused but answered "yeah I'm fine but are you okay" "Yeah but I thought you said you weren't going to use the clones" "well yeah I wasn't planning on using them for school I never said I wouldn't use them at school" I let out a small chuckle.

"Don't think you are of the hook Mr. l/n" I froze it was Ms. Fiora oh crap what am I going do. "Follow me to the principles office we will discuss what happened here" b/f/n tried to speak up and say I was innocent but Ms. Fiora didn't listen and dragged me to the principles office. I was always a "good" kid I never got into trouble and I did all my work so they let me off with only a 2 day suspension unlike Thomas who got the full week of suspension both Ms. Fiora and the principle gave me an earful.

I exited the principles office and saw b/f/n waiting for me with a worried face. "Did anything bad happen." "No not really I got away with a two day suspension" "What how is that fair?" She said "well to be fair he came out out with much more injury that I did" I smiled and she nodded in agreement"plus this suspension is good I can focus a bit more on my music" she turned to me " Oh yeah how is the music business treating you? Written anything lately?" "No, at least not yet I should have something done by Wednesday though" she turns away from me "alright I better head to class Ill see you Thursday" "yeah see you then b/f/n."

I called akali
Hey akali
Oh hey y/n what's up
Uh well I kinda need someone to pick me up
Why what happened
I got into a fight with a bully an-
Yeah I won
*Sigh* Alright you're lucky today he have nothing lined up Evelyn's going to pick you up
Ok thank you
No problem
End call

Ok got that sorted out then I had a thought wait, I can teleport I am so dumb I mentally facepalm well now it's too late I might as well wait for evelynn it would be rude to just leave her hanging I walked out of the school waiting outside.

After a few minutes I see a fancy looking car pull up. I assumed it was evelynns I hoped int the front seat. Evelynn turned to look at me she looked over my face and she spotted the bruise where Thomas punched me. She lightly placed her hand against it and asked if it hurt. I shook my head no she then took her hand off my face and began to scold me. "Why would you go out and fight y/n you could've gotten hurt or worse" she sounded like she genuinely cared so I answered "It's not a big deal it's only a small bruise I'm fine see" I smiled at her she turned to face the road sighing "Just promise you won't do anything reckless" I turned to her my ears slightly drooped down "Yes ma'am" she quickly regained her composure and drove off towards the penthouse.

We entered the penthouse and I was immediately swarmed by the other all asking me question "omg are you okay" "are you injured" "Did you beat the other guy up" the last one making me chuckle "to the first question I am okay to the second only a bruise and to the third your damn right" a proud smile plastered on my face. The others worries quickly vanishing I got the full tour to the house from kai'sa. "Wow that's a lot, this feels so extra like you ahve not only an indoor gym but a pool and a hot tub" kai'sa giggled at my remark before responding "W-we worked hard for t-this of course we are g-going to have a few luxiries."

No no she's got a point I was going to go to my room before I realized that I was hungry the grumble of my stomach alerting me. I head off to the kitchen and cook something up but then I spotted a ramen cup so I decided to take it I'm sure akali wouldn't mind. I heated up the water and placed it in the cup and started eating I finished and threw away the cup. I headed off to my room but then I felt a presence behind me then a kunai was at my neck my ears shot up. "You didn't eat my ramen right y/n?" I swallowed the spit in my mouth "n-no" the blade pressed up closer to my neck "You wouldn't lie to me would you" I take these few moments to remember oh right I can teleport I teleport inside my room and lock my door before akali gets in a sigh of relief exited my mouth I payed down on my bed swing that p/n was again asleep but now in his cage there were peanut shells already so I knew everything was In order. I closed my eyes felling a bit drowsy when I felt something cold touch my neck I turn and see evelynn laying siting next to me on my bed "So are you going to apologize to akali and maybe not die or... maybe you would like to stay in here with me~" I quickly shot up and exited my room to apologize I looked back and saw evelynn with a smirk on her face.

I find akali in the kitchen "Hey akali I'm sorry I took your ramen so to make it up to you why don't we get some ramen my treat" a smile crept onto her face she quickly hugged me my ears perking up as she ran her hand thought my hair she quickly let go and said "c'mon let's go I know just the spot" I followed close behind she gave me a helmet I was going to question why until I saw her pull up with a motorcycle. Oh boy this is gonna suck.

Oh jeez rick this was a long chapter shut up morty 50 more chapters forever and ever kda x male reader for all time 50 chapters.
Word count:1650

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