Chapter 39

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I'm not sure if people know this but each of these chapters are 1k word each or above so anyone who reads this story from front to back has read around 40k words.

I woke up and evelynn was still holding me. I would be lying if I said she wasn't beautiful ok I think I've had enough of sleeping. I slowly creeped my way out I got away and she was still asleep. I quickly and quietly exited the room. I head to the living room and I see ahri on the couch. I quickly teleport on the couch sitting next to her.

Ahri: "Oh hey y/n."

Her usual happy and cheery voice was back

Me: "Nothing much mostly just visiting my favorite little fox."

She smiles and I lay my head down on her lap.

Me: "So what are you watching."

Ahri: "I'm watching Dragon Sack Mega."

Me: "Oh I've been meaning to watch this one."

I turn to face the TV I feel her hand on head. She began to pet me nothing to unusual and I didn't really mind. I felt her lay down behind me pulling me in close with one hand still using the other to pet me. I turn around to face her and she leaned down on my neck.

Me: "I was only gone for a day ahri did you really miss me that much."

She nodded not stopping any of her actions. I extend my hand touching her ears. I also began to pet her. I wrapped my tail around her hip she wrapped her tails around me.

Ahri: "I'm sorry for being so clingy."

She was about to pull away but I didn't let her.

Me: "Showing affection dosen't make you clingy ahri."

I turn around to watch the show she pulled me close and her tails were still wrapped around me. I enjoyed the warm feeling sorounding me her head rested on my shoulder.

Ahri: "Ah yes before I forget the slumber party is today."

Me: "Oh really I completely forgot about that."

Ahri: "I have to go shopping don't worry I'll bring you a onesie."

Hmm I wonder what onesie she'll bring me. She got up planting a small kiss on my head before she left. I sat up now paying more attention it was starting to get to the good parts. Out of the corner of my eye I see kai'sa walking by.

Me: "Hey kai'sa."

Kai'sa sat down next to me

Kai'sa: "Do you want to cook with me."

I thought about it for a second and I smile remembering my dad's favorite dish.

Me: "Yeah actually I've got something I've been wanting to cook."

Kai'sa: "Oh really what exactly did you have in mind."

Me: "Something my dad taught me how to cook."

I turned off the TV heading into the kitchen I open up the freezer and see the meat that I needed. I pull out the carne molida. (Ground beef) I create a clone to get tortillas de maiz (tortillas of corn). I turn on the sink and let the water heat up I cover the drain and put in the meat. I placed a weight on top of the meat so it would stay submerged. I sit down with kai'sa turning the TV back on and watching something with kai'sa.

About two hours pass ahri came back and I go to check on the meat. It was now defrosted I was now ready to begin cooking. I turn on the stove placing a pan down putting some oil inside. I wait for a bit and go back to see what ahri baught for me. She hands me a onesie.

Ahri: "I went for a fox for you it only makes sense."

No no she's got a point.

Me: "I'll put it on later when the others arrive."

Ahri: "Actually they'll be here in a few minutes."

Hmm change of plans I create my clones

Me: "Alright people I wan t this place spotless by the end of now."

The clones immediately sprinted off and started to clean I run into the kitchen and begin to cook. I place in the meat and add some seasoning. I let the meat cook and starts helping one of the clones with the dishes after a few minutes I stir the meat making sure that all the sides are properly cooked. I used all of the meat it was a pretty big pan.

Kai'sa walks in and begins to help me cook. She occasionally stirs the meat. After a few minutes the meat is done I cook the tortillas being careful not to burn them. The people soon arrived my clones managed to finish cleaning. I had made more than enough for at least 8 people.

I walk out the kitchen and see three women standing there. Talking with the idols I run my hand trough my hair fixing it up slightly I run teleporting and using the momentum to slide as I do I speak

Me: "Hellooooo everybody the name is y/n l/n what are yours."

I extended my hand they one of them shook it the first lady spoke she had pink hair

???: "Hello Y/n my name is Vi I've heard queit a bit about you."

I chuckled slightly

Me: "Well I hope I live up to your expectations."

I turn the face the other two

???: "Why hello Y/n the name is jinx it's nice to meet ya."

She spoke in an excited voice and spoke very quickly.

Me: "Heh you are a energetic one aren't ya."

Jinx shook my hand quickly

I turn to the last one

???: "Hello~ my name is caitlyn so you're y/n evelynn has told me a lot about you~"

She spoke in the same tone evelynn use to speak in. I'm going to have to be careful with this one. She shook my hand running her then over my hand staring into my eyes. I pull my hand away.

Me: "Um well it's nice to meet all of you."

I did a small bow and went back into the kitchen creating the tacos adding some lettuce tomatoes and a bit of lemon to mine just how dad use to make it. I made some for the rest of them I didn't add to much to theirs. Mostly just lettuce I asked them if they wanted anything specific to them no one had really eaten this so they told me to add what I felt would be good.

I was sent sure if they would like it so I kinda just added the lettuce and a bit of lemon. Welp hope they enjoy this.


K/DA X Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora