Chapter 49

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This story is now around 50 k words that a huge chunk also woo we hit the big 40 k reads.

Kai'sa: "Oh really what about evelynn would you call her mommy."

I stared into her eyes for a few seconds silently.

Me: "No."

She gulped and looked away I plant a small kiss on her cheek and walk into akali's room I open the door and enter.

Me: "Yo what's up kali."

Akali immediately jumped on me tackling me to the floor.

Me: "ow my ribs."

I Groan slightly and she apologized she swooped me off the floor and placed me on her bed.

Akali: "Are you okay y/n like really okay."

Me: "Yeah I'm fine just a little sore besides that I'm doing fine."

She let out a sigh and hugged me

Akali: "Next time don't try and scare me."

Me: "Yeah I think I've learned that lesson at this point."

I chuckled and planted a kiss on her lips

Me: "Just as beautiful as the day I met you."

She blushed and looked away I planted another kiss on her and quickly got up.

Me: "I'm gonna go check up on the others."

She smiled and I teleport out I walk towards ahri's room. I open the door and walk inside.

Me: "Yo what's up ahri how ya been."

Ahri: "Oh y/n are you feeling better now."

I smile and nod I walk up to her and hug her.

She picks me up and placed me on her bed.

Ahri: "If I remember correctly it's my turn tonight."

Me: "Yup I'm all yours tonight my mate."

I smiled and wrap my tail around her she wraps all of hers around me. We stayed still after a few minutes she seemed to be asleep. I escaped and placed the blanket on top of her.

I quietly exited her room a small smile on my face. I head towards Evelynn's room I open the door and see he already asleep. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. She was slightly smiling she's probably having a nice dream I do t want to wake her. I move the blanket to cover her more. I plant a small kiss on her forehead and quickly exited the room.

I went off to the living room and waited for Kai'sa to finish cooking. I closed my eyes and let my self rest for a few minutes. Kai'sa soon came over and lightly shook me.

Kai'sa: "Dinner is ready y/n."

She spoke gently and planted a small kiss on my lips. I let out a yawn

Me: "I'll go get the others."

Kai'sa smiled and went back to the kitchen I got up and teleported to akali's room. I enter her room

Me: "Yo kali foods ready."

Akali: "I'll be there soon."

I quickly made my way to ahri's room I open the door and see her still sleeping. I gently shake her.

Me: "Hey ahri it's time for dinner wake up."

I gently kiss her forehead she grumbled

Ahri: "I'll be down in a bit."

I smile and leave towards Evelynn's room I open the door and she wasn't inside. I go to her bed and see she's not there anymore I turn to leave and I evelynn hugs me tightly. She leaned on top of me and I fell down on her bed. Her beautiful and seductive golden eyes stared into mine. She had a sad look on her face her usual sexual energy wasn't present. She got off of me and laid down covering herself with her blanket.

Me: "H-hey eve you okay."

She nodded but didn't look at me she stared at the wall.

I turn her face so I can look at her properly she looks down.

Me: "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

I cuddle closer to her and hold her tightly

Me: "Tell me that's wrong evelynn."

She hugged me closer

Evelynn: "It's nothing you can fix y/n"

She kissed me and smiled

Me: "I love you eve I don't know what's wrong but don't do anything stupid."

She regained some confidence

Evelynn: "If anything I should be worried about you doing stupid things."

I plant a kiss on her now

Me: "Dinner is ready my love."

She nods but pulls me back

Evelynn: "just for a little longer."

I nod and stay with her for a few minutes trying to figure out what's wrong with her. She eventually sighed and asked me to carry her there. Yes a chance to tease eve who know maybe it will cheer her up. I pick her up and mirroring what I did to akali I sing at the top of my lungs.

Here comes the bride

Here comes the bride

Here we comesss the brrriiiiiiiiiide

I really emphasized that last none for that extra y/n flare. I set her down and she smiled planting a small kiss on my forehead. I sit down next to her and we all eat together she seemed to be happier now. There is still something wrong and I plan on finding out what. We all eventually finished eating and we decided to watch a movie together. Why not it's been a while since I've spent time with the four of them together. I sat down and all of them immediately swarmed me everyone took their respective side. I didn't mind much at this point in fact I've kinda come to enjoy this feeling of being hugged, of being loved. Yeah that's the feeling I like i guess I never really thought about it love is such a powerful word and I say it so casually yet so truly I do love them with all my being and I know they love me.

I'm in a much happier mood now as we watch a horror movie I think it was called jeepi creepers. A movie about some demon looking guy who comes every thirty years and kills a bunch of people. I scream at the first jump scare and everyone else seems unfazed.

Me: "*Ahem* I mean uh it wasn't even that scary."

They all laughed and so did I soon after another wonderful day for the books


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