Chapter 34

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Sorry for not uploading yesterday I felt super sick I had a headache the whole day and just started feeling a bit better so here ya go enjoy the chapter.

Me and akali headed out like usual I hugged her tight. We eventually made it near the school so I hopped off so they wouldn't swarm her like ants. I planted a small kiss on her cheeks.

Akali: "Nope I'm walking in with you."

I shrug my shoulders and she walked slightly back so she couldn't be seen when someone I really dislike approached me.

Jessica: "Hey baby how have you been."

Me: "I have no idea who you are talking to."

Jessica: "Oh come on don't be like that I know you still like me."

I was genuinely upset what she had just said.

Me: "So now that you know I have the biggest d energy in this whole school you want to crawl back to me."

She got an angry expression she raised her hand and slapped me. I didn't even feel it and began to walk away not wanting to deal with her. Then she pulled me back and was going to slap me again but at the last second akali caught her arm.

Akali: "Okay one he has a girlfriend two I'm his girlfriend three you ever so much as look at him again and I will knock your ugly ass teeth out."

She punched her in the face a bit too much but I didn't care. Everyone realized that was the akali and immediately approached her but one guy stood out Thomas Paine he pushed me aside

Thomas: "Hey baby why don't you leave that loser and I'll show you a real man."

Akali had a disgusted look on her face

Akali: "How about you back up I can smell your disgusting breath from here."

Thomas: "What'd you say bitch."

This pissed me off to no end I tapped his shoulder and mirrored what he had done to me back then as soon as he turned his head I landed a punch directly on his face.

Thomas: "You little short fuck."

Akali took this opportunity and snuck away without anyone noticing. God this is such a rough start for today. I walk away not wanting to deal with those idiots at the moment. I mentally sigh knowing the shit storm I had just created.

Evelynn PoV

Why has y/n been avoiding me it's so obvious. I waited a few minutes and akali came back we all sat down to eat. Kai'sa came out of y/n's room wearing his clothes. He better not have.

Me: "Why are you wearing y/n's clothes kai'sa."

Kai'sa blushed y/n actually had sex with kai'sa too. She didn't answer ahri had cooked instead of kai'sa the food was barely edible.

Ahri: "Why do you look so angry eve."

I glare at her she was probably in on it ahri was smirking I didn't bother answering.

Ahri: "Is it maybe because y/n loves us more than you."

I slammed my hands againts the table quickly turning away and walking towards my room. What the hell am I thinking y/n belongs to me he is MY pet. He's... my precious pet the only one who can make me happy. I sigh you're so lucky I love you y/n if you were any other man I would've sliced your throat.

I hug my pillow imagining it was y/n I'll make sure you don't forget me ever.

Y/n PoV

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