Chapter 12

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Decided to realease this chapter early this was supposed to be the chapter for Monday I hope you enjoy.

We decided to just go to a restaurant evelynn chose it this time. I put on the helmet akali gave me and wrap my arms around her so I won't fall. After a few minutes we reach the restaurant it looked really high class. I felt so out of place with my casual clothes on I didn't notice it before but everyone was dressed really nice except for me. We walk inside and I can see the people starring at me so I put on my hood to hide my face. Akali turns to me she smiles and locks her hand with mine holding it tight.

They show us to our seats I'm surprised they let us, I thought you had to have a reservation but I didn't really care I was kinda hungry. After they sat us down they gave us the menus filled with all sorts of fancy dishes I didn't really know what to pick. Then evelynn spoke to me

Evelynn: "I recommend the fish they make it rather good here."

Hmm am I in the mood for fish ehh why not. The waiter came back and took our orders I order the fish, evelynn ordered some special soup, kai'sa ordered the same soup, ahri also ordered fish and akali ordered noodles. I was sitting between akali and evelynn I mostly just messed around until akali put her hand on top of my head. Slightly confused I turned to face her. She starts to pet my ears getting all the good spots it felt really nice, her soft hand against my ears. It helped to calm me I relaxed laying on the table. The drinks then arrived and they were a bunch of wine. I was about to speak up and say I was underaged but evelynn stopped me.

Evelynn: "This is your first time drinking y/n you're with us you'll be fine."

I was still skeptical but she is older and knows better I can trust her right? I take a small sip of the wine it was okay not bad not good I didn't feel any immediate effects so I guess I'm okay. The waiter comes back now with the food.

Waiter: "Here you go and would the victim like any thing else."

I was slightly confused what does he mean victim was he talking about me? I saw evelynn shoot a glare at the waiter I shivered slightly and ended up hugging akali's arm by instinct I quickly let go and apologize with a blush on my face. I began to eat the fish it tasted really good I guess evelynn was right.

We all continued to eat our food before ahri spoke up.

Ahri: "So y/n are you and akali a thing now or..."

I blushed a bit and so did akali, I cleared my throat and spoke

Me: " Yeah me and akali are together now."

Ahri looked sad for a second, man that's a weird sight, seeing ahri one of the most happy people I know look sad. She quickly snapped out of it and continued to eat her food. Kai'sa and evelynn both looked a bit thrown off but they took snapped out of it.

Akali: "So why did you do a rap song for your entrance, I thought you wanted to do rock."

Me: "I still do it's just that I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and do a little bit of rap, did you like it."

She smiled and gave me a head pat before speaking again

Akali: "Of course I did but I was kinda thrown off I didn't really expect you to be the type to even listen to any rap."

Me: "I don't listen to it much but it's enjoyable every now and again."

I smiled and continue to eat my food at a slow pace. An eerie silence followed I felt really nervous I thought I had said something to make them offended. I was going to take another sip of the wine when suddenly evelynn grabbed mine and drank it. I was confused and spoke up.

Me: "Why did you drink mine you had yours right there."

She scooted closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck leaning down on me.

Evelynn: "Because I wanted to, and I always get what I want y/n~"

She let go of me before giving me her cup of wine. I was slightly shook but I took a sip of her wine I felt a little woozier this time. This feeling of drowsiness was weird it felt like my mind was getting foggy. Everyone eventually finished eating evelynn payed for the meal and we left I still felt woozy but better then ahri suggested an idea.

Ahri: "Let's go to the club gals."

Everyone seemed to agree and I didn't want to get in the way of their fun so I just stayed quite. We all went off again me being with akali on her motorcycle and the others with evelynn. We arrived at the club then I realized I'm still underaged how am I supposed to get in. We walk up to the bouncer and he checks us in he was going to stop me but then evelynn said

Evelynn: "This one is also with me."

The bouncer gave me a look of sympathy before saying

Bouncer: "Good luck dealing with her."

I was confused was he talking about evelynn I had no time to ponder it as I pretty much got dragged inside by the others. It was so loud in here how could anyone actually enjoy this. Kai'sa immediately headed for the dance floor. She was an amazing dancer literally showing everyone up. I sat at a corner evelynn sat next to me and she brought an expensive looking drink. She poured me some I didn't really want it but she told me it was fine to drink every now and then. I drank the drink I felt a lot woozier probably because I'm so small the alcohol just affect me much more than it does her. Well looks like I'm getting drunk tonight.

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