Chapter 17

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Evelynn was driving us home now. Kai'sa was sleeping on me I wrap my arms around her to keep her secure. After a few minutes made it to the penthouse. I gently woke up kai'sa

Me: "Hey kai'sa were home c'mon get up."

I shook her gently she slowly opened her eyes and let out a yawn.

Kai'sa: "But im comfortable."

She complained I decided to just pick her up and carry her inside. She clung on to me her arms wrapped around my neck. I open her door and place her on her bed I made sure she was comfortable and as I was about to leave she held my hand.

Kai'sa: "Can you s-sleep with me tonight."

I nod and I climbed into her bed I hugged her and pulled her close. She had a small blush on her face she quickly hugged back. I was tired after the fight all the teleportation really drained me. So I just remained still wanting to rest.

I woke up again to see kai'sa still cuddling with me. I sneaked out of her grasp and replaced my self with a pillow. I made my way to my room so I could take a shower. As I enter my room I check the time it was 7 am. I pass by p/n he was still sleeping on his cage. I walk inside my bathroom taking off my clothes a towel was already set so I hop in the shower. Making sure to get the temperature perfect I begin to wash all of yesterday's sweat off. I put on a beat deciding to sing something.

Ah yes a nice song to give out a happy vibe. Probably would've made more sense if it was Sunday. I finish showering grabbing a towel and drying my self I make sure to clean my ears. I step out of the bathroom and I see evelynn sitting on my bed.

Me: "What's up eve."

I head to my drawer and grab a shirt putting it on.

Me: "Do you mind turning around eve I'm trying to change."

Evelynn smirked and asked

Evelynn: "Why? it's nothing I haven't seen before."

Evelynn giggled but turned around so I put on my underwear quickly then some shorts. I sit down next to her.

Evelynn: "I wanted to go out and get some breakfast just you and me."

Me: "Why don't we invite the others we can have a nice day again."

She pushed me down to the bed and laid on me her face a few centimeters away from mine.

Evelynn: "All of them are asleep, besides you've been spending so much time with kai'sa and akali it's starting to make me jealous~"

Me: "B-but I spent all day with you Thursday."

She giggled before replying

Evelynn: "What can I say y/n I'm a selfish person, And you are my precious little pet~"

She started running her hand trough my hair ruffling it up a bit. She gave me a soft kiss to the forehead.

Me: "Ok when are we leaving."

She got off of me and stood up

Evelynn: "In a few minutes as soon as I'm done getting dressed."

I nodded and she exited my room I went to my drawer and picked up a pair of socks I decided to just go in normal shoes. It was getting really cold this time of year so I put on a black and red hoodie.

A few minutes later and eve comes out looking very casual. Not wearing anything to fancy just a pink shirt with a white sweater and some nice looking boots along with a stylish skirt. Not speaking a word we went to her car I sat in the passenger seat buckling up. I relaxed resting my head against the leather chair. After a good 10 minutes we made it to the place. It was buffet sort of thing where you could pick the food that you wanted. We got a table and we both started to pick from the breakfast section.

I picked up some pancakes, eggs, sausage bacon and some hash brown. Today I will feast like a king. I sat down at our table our drinks had arrived I ordered some orange juice and evelynn ordered water. We were eating together she was right next to me. Her arm draped over me pulling me onto her lap.

Me: "Eve not right here please."

She smirked

Evelynn: "What's the matter y/n you feeling emberassed~"

I nod and got off her lap she let me off but still held on to my hand. I didn't mind that as much so I held her hand back. She picked a piece of food of her plate and placed it in my mouth. I looked at her for a second with a dead pan expression. She giggled and spoke

Evelynn: "What's wrong with a woman feeding her man."

I didn't really care because I knew there was no point in arguing this time. I ate each piece she decided to feed me. I took a piece of bacon and fed it to her. Two can play at this game Eve. We finished our meal and I paid this time evelynn tried to pay but I didn't let her this time. As we walk out and start heading to her car I accidentally bumped I to someone and she fell. I quickly apologized but then she started to tell at me


I was slightly shocked at her tone and apologized again.


Me being the smartass I am told her she was some crazy lady who fell down. This made her explode and she slapped me across the face. She was going to slap me again but evelynn quickly grabbed her arm.

Evelynn: "Let's get a few things straight bitch, one you ever touch my man like that again, I don't give a fuck who you are I will drag you. Two he already apologized so you can either accept it or move on. Three I don't give a flying fuck who you are, now get the hell out of my face."

She spoke in that scary tone she usually reserves. The lady stutters a bit before walking away in a huff. I got up dusting my self off a bit.

Evelynn: "Are you okay sweety."

I nod and she caresses my face checking me to make sure I'm fine. We walk back to her car and I sit down. God getting screamed at 10 am my favorite pass time.

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