Chapter 4

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I woke up feeling happy and energized it was a beautiful Sunday morning. I decided to go out for a walk I put ony classic hoodie it was a bit chilly so it actually fit.

Luckily p/n was asleep so I just sneaked off careful not to wake the sleeping bird. I walked out and started hearing towards the park. I always liked the park especially when it was just me, it felt soothing. As I walk around I see a squirrel climbing up a tree it was very chonky so it slid down. Little guy was feed a little to much I chuckled slightly and continued to walk.

Its starting to brighten up so I decide it's about time to head home. As I begin my walk back to my house I bump into someone. "Oh hey y/n sorry I bumped into you" it was b/f/n "no it's fine but why are you out so early" I question my Freind "I could ask you the same thing" answering honestly I responded " I got up early and was feeling good so decided to take a walk for a bit, that's my reason what about your's" I again question her "I was bored and got up early I was going to go bother you for a while but then you bumped into me" "well since you're already here want to go somewhere." She nodded.

Me and b/f/n decided to go to a coffee shop I thought it was a bad idea but after a few moments I realized I would need the energy to move out.

I got an espresso and b/f/n got a spice pumpkin latte I always questioned why she would spend her money on a coffee that is that expensive. We found a table and sat down. After a few moments of silence she asked "So, how did the day with K/DA go?" I realized I completely forgot to tell her what happened yesterday so I started explaining " it went really well but a lot happened." "Oh really let me guess they heard you sing" I was confused my ears perked up slightly "how did you know" she giggled "you have a talent for singing y/n there is no way you didn't try to sing for them to get a head start" I think to my self for a few moments oh my God I did that without even trying then it hit me "Hey who do you take me for someone who take advantage of all situations" she stayed silent for a moment then spoke " of course not but I was right wasn't I." I nodded in agreement "yeah you do have a point, but a lot more happened" about an hour passed as I explained what happened fully yesterday when I suddenly got a call fr an unknown number.

"Yo is this Y/n"
"Yes that's me who is this"
"Its me, Akali we are going to your house to help you pack up"
"Wait right now"
"Yeah well be there in a few minutes just wanted to give you a heads up"
"Oh ok I'll be waiting"
End call

"Hey b/f/n I gotta go they're heading over to my house" before I even got a chance to leave she asked excitedly "can I come with?" I nod not really caring plus she would probably be good help "grab on to my hand" she grips my hand semi tightly I teleport us both to my house I was thinking about grabbing a shower but then p/n started screaming "Y/n HoMe y/N hOmE" " p/n quiet down" I walked up to him and gave him a few pets I asked b/f/n to grab a peanut for p/n she quickly walked off to the kitchen and grabbed a good one she handed it to me I feed it to p/n he tore trough the peanut very quickly "*squawk* pEAnuTs fOr P/N" for as loud as he is I still love the little guy.

I heard a knock at my door and open the door and see the idols at my door and I welcomed them to my home. Not waiting for me to finish they immediately start working they brought boxes and helped me pack all my valuables like my pc and my ps4 as for p/n we had to put him in a cage he didn't like it and started squawking very loudly but a few peanuts kept him calm. He really likes peanuts no idea why. After we got everything packed they called over a u-haul we had a bit of time before it would arrive so b/f/n took this opportunity to talk to the idols. "So, how is y/n been treating you" my ears and tail perk up at the metion of my name. Ahri awsered "He has been treating us fine, he has a talent for music it would've been a shame not to take him" she made it sound like I was a pet.then the u-haul arrived.

After we placed the boxes inside the u-haul and the driver drove off the idols left towards their car I stuck by b/f/n for a second. She seemed a bit sad so I asked her what was wrong. "I don't know it just feels like you and I aren't going to be as close you know with you finally becoming an artist and joining K/DA" I chuckled and answered "there is nothing in this world that could stop you from being my best friend." A smile crept onto her face she game me a hug after a few moments she lets me go. A honk was heard it came from a real fancy looking car it was a dark purple color with cool rims it looked like it could go fast. "Go y/n I think they're waiting for you." I smile and say my goodbye.

I entered what I guessed was evelynn's car kai'sa and ahri were at the back while akali had shotgun and evelynn was at the wheel. Evelynn was the first to speak "y/n buckle up we wouldn't want anyone to get hurt would we~" I put on my seat belt and evelynn started driving off ahri looked upset and her arms were crossed "hey are you okay ahri?" She stol and look at me for a second before looking away then akali spoke "yeah she's fine but she's mad because I called shotgun first" "no I'm not" ahri said clearly angry she lost shotgun everyone laughed a bit at ahri to the embarrassment of herself.

We reached their home, no our home. My stuff was already getting unloaded I spotted p/n in his cage and picked him up for the birs came first. The idols led me to my room I set down p/n and let him loose he climbed on top of his cage and sat there I think he likes to fell tall.

We continued to move all the items into my room luckily it already had a bed. They gave me a short tour of my new room and the cool features like the shower and clap controlled lights. I decided to take a nice relaxing shower it was nice. I laid down on my bed tired it was pretty late it took a lot longer than I thought it would I decide to just go to sleep and slowly drift of to sleep with p/n not having his cage set up yet so he laid down on my desk.

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