Chapter 9

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We finished putting away the groceries in their respective places. I didn't really know what to do. I was really bored mostly just sitting around. When I had an idea tommorow is the day I wanted to decide how I wanted to enter. I know what I will do first part I have the music play in the background then I teleport in and using my clones I will have them be the chorus. It's all coming together now I just need to make extra masks for the clones.

I immediately began to work creating the masks using my mask as a reference. An hour had passed the masks were done all of them had a similar design to my original mask but slightly changed and with different colours for each masks 4 masks were made one was red another blue the third lime and the last cyan.

I was heading out of my room when I felt something land on my head. It was p/n I extended finger so he would jump on and he did I put him back on his cage before giving him a few pets. I really have to pay more attention to him. I say it's about I properly introduce him to the girls.

I pick him up again heading towards the kitchen I grab a peanut but I make sure he doesn't see where I got it from. I give him the peanut and he destroys the peanut straight up consuming the peanuts essence. After he finished his snack I went to akali.

Me: "Hey akali I'm pretty sure you two haven't met properly but this is my pet, p/n."

Akali: "He looks evil"

Me: "What do you mean he's the nicest bird you will ever meet, that's kinda sad actually"

P/n flew off my shoulder and landed on akali. Not even flinching she went to pet the bird. Now p/n doesn't really like anyone so for him to her do this was weird to say the least. The only reason he likes me is probably because I give him peanuts. P/n quickly flew back on to me.

Akali: "Glad I finally got to meet p/n I thought you were intentionally keeping him from us"

Me: "Nope I was just too busy with everything going on I'm sure you of all people can understand"

She chuckled before giving me a head pat and walking off somewhere. Ok next up is Ahri I go to her room and knock on her door a faint come in is heard so I walk inside and show p/n off to her.

Me: "This is my bird p/n"

P/n: *squawk* "My NaMe is p/N"

Ahri: "aww he's such a cute little bird"

She went to pet him and he bowed his head down so she could. After a few moments she stops and speaks.

Ahri: "Actually y/n I've been meaning to ask you since today is our last day off until after the concert. Do you want to play some games later tonight?"

I stopped and was thinking for a few moments before responding.

Me: "Yeah sure I'm down but what are we gonna be playing."

Ahri: "You'll just have to wait and see."

I nodded and exited her door heading towards kai'sa room. I knocked and heard come in so I did.

Me: "Hey kai'sa this p/n my pet bird"

Kai'sa: "o-oh so t-thats his name g-glad to meet you p/n."

P/n flew to her bed and landed on it kai'sa looked a little nervous. He started to crawl up her sitting down on her shoulder kai'sa looked frozen. He then jumped and started bitting her hair not hard enough to hurt more like he was scrapping her scalp that is what birds do in the wild kinda like grooming. He stopped and flew back to me before squawking. I left kai'sas room after saying good bye she smiled and waved.

Now for the one I'm kinda worried about evelynn. Maybe I shouldn't introduce him she's probably busy. What am I thinking is it just that I'm scared? Alright I'm going in. I knocked on her door. I heard her say it's open so I went inside.

Me: "H-hey sorry to bother but I wanted to introduce you to p/n."

Evelynn: "Oh yeah you're bird he's a beautiful color."

P/n looked uncomfortable he was walking on my shoulders from side to side.

Me: "so yeah that's all I'll be leaving now I'll see you later tonight."

Evelynn: "Wow y/n I didn't think you were the type to make a move so soon~"

I blushed realizing what I just said.

Me: "N-not like that I meant because we are going to be doing something later with the whole group."

A smirk was on her face before she got up and walked behind me

Evelynn: "I'm just teasing you y/n I know what you meant."

She paused for a moment before leaning on to me.

Evelynn: "Though I wouldn't mind spending some more time with you, y/n~"

She gently blew into my ear as she said this. If I wasn't blushing before now I was most definitely now. She got off of me and sat down on her bed.

Evelynn:"You can leave now if you want to y/n."

I nodded and exited her room I let out a sigh of relief before going back to my room and putting p/n on his cage. I payed down on my bed thinking about all that's happened. Is it just me or has this day been the longest day ever. I haven't even done much but it still feels like I've aged 10 years. I sigh still laying down on my bed before evelynn crosses my mind. What's up with her she acts so weird all the time and she's so scary I would hate to be on her bad side. I checked the time and saw it was now 4 pm jesus feels like I'm time traveling. All I know for now is tonight is probably going to be the most fun.

A quick thank you for the almost 1 k reads and don't expect a double upload ever again.

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