Chapter 10

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What do I do I already have everything done all I have to do is wait. I wonder if ahri's thing is gonna be fun. It probably will but still it won't stop me from getting curious. I got oof my bed and exited my room just wanting to do something for now. I decide to go out for a walk. Why not it's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like these I should be making a reference to a game.

I left the penthouse going out for a walk in the park. Absorbing the light and fresh air into my body. I relaxed taking my time to enjoy my last day as a unknown artist. Before all the business and stress kicks in I want to spend my time chilling. I saw a few dog owners who had the same idea as me walking their dogs, a thought enters my mind.

I should bring p/n he would probably be happy to join me on my walk. I saw a bench and spent some energy to mark it. I teleport home and pick up p/n and put him on my shoulder. I teleport back to the bench the mark dissapeared it was a on time only mark so I went off once again now joined by my feathered companion.

After a few minutes in this walk I ran into someone familiar. It was b/f/n I'm getting a wierd sense of de ja vu, I ran up to b/f/n.

Me: "Hey b/f/n how's school been treating you."

B/f/n: "Oh hey y/n glad to see you still exist and to awnswer your question we had two tests back to back, good luck with that by the way."

Maybe I should just drop out of highschool it would save me the hassle.

Me: "It's gonna suck going back to school."

My ears drooped down the despair of school coming back to me. B/f/n giggled at my reaction then asked.

B/f/n: "So what's been going on with you any good happen recently?"

Me: "Yeah I guess you could say that"

B/f/n: "Do tell my dear y/n"

I chuckled before becoming serious again

Me: "Well you know how I'm technically a part of K/DA right?"

B/f/n: "Yeah you don't have to flex."

I ignored the comment and continued

Me: "They're going to introduce me to the masses at their next concert I already have everything down so now we wait."

B/f/n had a look of shock on her face before turning into a happy one

B/f/n: "I can't wait until you get out there I promise I'll be there."

I smiled then I remembered the game night ahri had planned I decided that I would invite b/f/n. So I did but she asked if it was really ok. I called ahri to make sure she was good with it.

Hey ahri can I invite b/f/n to the game night?

Sure the more the merrier

Thanks ahri I'll be back in a bit

End Call

Me: "Hey good news they said yes you can come I'll pick you up at 8."

She nodded before saying good bye and heading home she was probably so excited to see the idols again. I teleported home and grabbed a peanut. I gave it to p/n who was still on my shoulder before going back to the cave I call my bedroom. I put p/n back on his cage letting him finish his peanut in peace. I still had two hours before game night started so I decide to set an alarm and take a quick nap.


I woke up almost instantly turning off the annoying alarm. Conciousness invaded my mind once again remembering I had to pick up b/f/n. I quickly teleported to her she was all ready to go. I grabbed her arm and teleported to the penthouse. I had no idea what ahri had planned but it would probably be a blast. I entered the living room to see the idols already ready and waiting.

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