Chapter 63

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My eyes open and gaze upon a sleeping kai'sa. Her chest slowly rises and falls, I get off the bed carefully so I don't wake her. A small yawn escapes my lips as I enter the bathroom. I take a look at my self in the mirror. I literraly look exactly the same as back then.

I step into the shower and take a quick rinse. After a few minutes I step out and dry my self off. I teleported to my old room and grabbed a fresh set of clothes. As I walk back to kai'sas room I hear her frantically screaming my name.

I run and open the door to kai'sas room. I see her sitting on her bed sobbing.

Me: "What happened kai?"

I quickly walk up to her bed and wrap my arms around her. She whimpered into my arms before finally speaking.

Kai'sa: "I d-didn't see you and I g-got s-scared."

She continued to cry into my arms for a bit longer

Kai'sa: "P-please d-don't leave me."

I planted a small kiss on her forehead

Me: "I won't kai'sa at least not for a good while."

She stayed silent and continued to hug me. I patted her back gently and did my best to comfort her. After a few moments I ask her a question

Me: "Kai, Do you want to cook breakfast with me?"

She looked up at me with her red eyes

Me: "C'mon just you and me, it'll be like old times."

She sighed and nodded her head but as I go to leave she pulls me back.

Kai'sa: "Just a little bit longer."

Me: "Of course my favorite dancer."

I wrap my arms back around her as we sit in silence for a few more minutes. She finally let's me go and we go to the kitchen together hand in hand. I grabbed the pans we would need while kai'sa gathered the ingredients.

Eventually we began to cook, kai'sa broke the eggs while I put in the pancake batter and grabbed the milk. She whisked the eggs and put it in. After that I poured the milk and soon after a tiny bit of oil. While kai'sa was mixing I placed down three pans. One was set to low while the other two were medium. I pour some oil in one of the pans and place in the bacon.

Over the pan with low heat I placed a bit of butter and spread it around. After that I cracked a few eggs over in it and began to stir. Kai'sa put cooking pray on the third pan and began to cook the pancakes.

Kai'sa seemed happier than she was a few moments ago. I plant a small kiss on her cheek.

Me: "You're just as beautiful as when I first met you."

A small blush covered her face but she just continued to cook. I finished cooking the eggs and places them in different plates.

Me: "I'll go tell the others breakfast is almost ready."

I could tell she was worried so I gave her a hug.

Me: "I'll be back in a few minutes I promise."

She smiled and I quickly dashed off to akali's room. I open up her door softly and walk to her side. I kneel down to her sleeping figure. I gently shake her and she begins to wake up. Her eyes shoot open when she sees it's me.

Me: "C'mon akali it's almost time to eat."

I quickly run out her room and into ahri's. I run up to her side and shake her awake too.

Me: "C'mon foxy breakfast is almost ready."

Ahri: "Huh?"

I chuckle and plant a small kiss on her forehead. I teleport out of ahri's room and go to evelynn's. She wasn't in her bed so I turn around. Suddenly I feel something hug me. I turn my head slightly and see evelynn gripping me tightly.

Me: "Eve food's almost done let's go."

She shook her head and carried me back to her bed.

Me: "I missed you too eve but c'mon I wasn't gone that long."

I teleport bit by bit into the dining room. Everyone was already seated and waiting to eat. I teleport into evelynn's seat. She pulled away from me and looked down at the food.

Evelynn: "I'm not hungry."

Me: "What a shame I was planning on feeding some to you, I guess I'll just feed kai'sa then."

Her grip tightened on me and held me back. I quickly cut up a pancake and take a small piece with a fork. A place it against her lips. After a few moments she finally eats it.

Me: "See just take it bit by bit I've got plenty of time on my hands."

Kai'sa: "Y/n you promised us answers."

Me: "Oh yeah, well what are your questions."

Kai'sa: "How are you... alive."

Me: "I honestly have no idea."

Kai'sa: "Are you really our y/n."

Me: "Well of course."

Kai'sa: "Prove it."

Me: "How would I do that."

Kai'sa: "Who was your first girlfriend and who did you have sex with first."

Me: "Akali to the first and evelynn to the second."

Kai'sa: "What was the first song you sand on stage."

Me: "When I grow up."

As kai'sa was about to say something akali spoke up first.

Akali: "Who do you love the most."

Me: "I've said it multiple times already I love all of you equally."

Ahri: "I-it's really you my mate."

I hummed happily in agreance

Me: "I have a question for all of you."

Everyone perks up

Me: "How long was I gone."

Everyone stayed silent

Evelynn: "You were gone for a year."

Me: "A YEAR!?"

My eyes widened in shock

Me: "Are all of you... okay?"

Akali grabbed her arm and looked away. Ahri's ears dropped and kai'sa stayed silent, I felt evelynn hug me tighter.

Me: "I am so, so, so, Sorry."

I turn around and hug evelynn tighter to my chest.

Me: "What can I even do to make it up to all of you."

Evelynn: "Stay with us."

A small smile spreads across my face.

Me: "Of course that but what else."

A thought crosses my mind

Me: "How an I going to break this to ma and pa and b/f/n."

Ahri: "They're all fine we can call them over if you want."

Me: "Well of course my love."

She blushed and looked down.

Me: "From here on out I am going to do my best and work through this with all of you."

Everyone in the room seemed to cheer up. They helped me deal with my emotional problems now it's time to return the favor.

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