Chapter 23

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Hoho it seems like you lost the bet D3S3ASED_ and Balasubas19 no 10 chapters for 10 K reads

I wash my face trying to remove those thoughts from my head. I look into the mirror seeing my younger self instead of me. He stared into my eyes a lifeless look on his. I splashed some cold water on my face and look again. I see my usual reflection now the younger version of me dissapearing. I take a few deep breaths and try to calm down.

I walk out of the restroom and ahri isn't on my bed anymore. I laid down on my bed with nothing to do. I got up not wanting to waste away in my room for too long. I exited my room and went to the living room. I saw evelynn sitting on the couch watching a show. I went to sit by next to her but she quickly pulled me and sat me on her lap. I wasn't in the mood for her games I pushed her arms off of me. I'm so sick of her treating me like a pet.

I sat down on the other couch not wanting to sit by evelynn anymore. She looked sad for a second but at this point I was to angry to care. She only uses me for her pleasure anyway.

Evelynn: "Sweety are you okay you seem upset."

There she goes calling me sweety like I'm a fucking child. I awnswerd her in an annoyed tone

Me: "Yeah just peaches and dandelions over here."

Ahri then picks me up and tries to lay my head on her lap. I snap and force my way off her heading towards my room. I enter my room and see p/n walking around his cage excitedly. I pick him up and set him on my bed.

Me: "Y'know p/n it's so hard to pretend you are happy."

He tilts his head to the side and I continue

Me: "I really envy you p/n you have it so easy all you have to do is be a bird. You never have to deal with emotional problems hell the only problem you have is when I don't give you a peanut."

P/n squawks at me and starts nibbling on my hair.

Me: "I don't know how much longer I can keep going like this... I hate this, I should've just let my self bleed out back then."

P/n's head once again tilts to the side

Me: "God I hate this I just want it to stop I want the nightmares to end I want all of the pain to stop. I want those pieces of shit dead. "

A small pause ensues I slowly take in a few breathes before letting out a sigh.

Me: "You're the only one I can talk to p/n everyone else treats me like a fucking joke."

I mimic Evelynn's voice

Me: "Oh sweety oh y/n my little pet aww you're Soo cute I can get any thing I want any time I want."

That shit makes me fucking sick to my stomach. I mimic ahri's voice this time

Me: "Y/n my perfect mate let's be together ooh meet my parents haha I have parents and you don't in soo special."

I let out a sigh p/n was just there listening to me rant.

Me: "Whatever it's not like you understand you're just a dumb bird."

I place p/n back in his cage shutting in closed.

Me: "God what's wrong with me I'm getting angry at them for no reason. Maybe I'm angry because I know they're waaay out of my league. Why do they even hang around with a loser like me."

I tried to calm down at least now I have actual time to write some music. I decided to finish the price from earlier I pull out my acoustic guitar and begin to play it. I eventually played it exactly how I wanted it to sound. I had some lyrics in mind already I was focusing all my recent emotions into this one.

I say it ended out beautiful I wrote down the lyrics and preformed the beat one more time however this time I recorded it. I let out a sigh and exit my room but little did I know someone was there the whole time.

Evelynn PoV

I watched as y/n exited the room I followed quickly behind him Remembering all the things he had said. I go un invisble and show my self to the rest of the girls.

Ahri: "So did you scare him because I didn't hear a scream."

I let out a sigh and hesitantly explain to them what I heard y/n say. After I finished talking all of us had a sad look on our face.

Ahri: "Something is clearly going on and we need to get to the bottom of it."

Me: "I'm guessing it has something to do with his parents considering what he said in your voice."

Akali: "Is that he doesn't have parents or maybe that his parets did something to him."

I let out another sigh this was starting to stress me out. And It was clearly stressing everyone else out too. My thought wandered back to what he said about me. Does he hate me for being so clingy all the time. My insecurities filled my mind what If he doesn't love me anymore is this all my fault I'm sorry y/n please forgive me.

Almost like she could read my mind ahri spoke up.

Ahri: "This isn't your fault evelynn y/n was clearly just angry and was looking for anything to be angry at."

I was contemplating what to do when y/n walked into the living room with a clearly fake smile.

Y/n PoV

I tried to put on a smile and pretend that I was completely fine.

Me: "Hello lovely ladies I hope all of you are fine."

All of them stared at me I turn towards evelynn and see her with a sad face.

Me: "H-hey what's wrong why does everyone look so glum c'mon life is always more fun with a smile."

I tried to cheer them up and put on my actual smile much more genuine than the last.

Akali: "How hypocritical of you to say that y/n."

I was slightly confused what does she mean?

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