Chapter 30

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I am so incredibly tired right now I'm about to pass out. But please enjoy the chapter also whoo we hit 30 chapters and I may or may not add seraphine if enough people like her (even though she's basically sona 2.0 and only created to sellout and be a part of K/DA)

I was still in bed it was 4 am I was groggy and tired. This is why I don't go to sleep early I can never sleep good. I got up and was a little hungry so I headed toward the kitchen careful not to wake up Ari. I snuck off teleporting to make less noise. I enter the kitchen and see akali there. She noticed me she was currently eating ramen she swallowed and spoke.

Akali: "Oh hey what's up y/n."

She spoke quietly but still loud enough for me to hear. I yawn and stretch before speaking

Me: "Nothing really just woke up and I'm kinda hungry."

She looked down at her ramen and smiled

Akali: "You want some ramen y/n."

I smirked and crossed my arms

Me: "And here I was thinking you don't like to share your ramen."

Akali pouted

Akali: "I don't you're lucky I'm even offering."

I walk up to her she was leaning against the counter now she was only slightly taller I pull her in and kiss her.

Me: "I would love some ramen akali."

She blushed very slightly although it was hard to tell she sat down at the table I sat next to her and we are together a nice and tender moment with akali. We finished eating I threw away the cup. I hugged akali again teleporting to my room. I picked her up and placed her on my bed. She didn't really mind and started to get comfortable. I laid down soon after she pulled me in close for a hug.

Akali: "Hey y/n why do you seem to never show your tail?"

I knew exactly why an I'm pretty sure she did too, I think she meant to phrase it differently.

Me: "Do you mean around all of you specifically."

She nodded

Me: "I don't know I guess I just don't want to feel out of place plus it only gets in the way."

Akali: "So you're feeling me you can't having one tail when ahri usually walks around with nine."

No no, she got a point

Me: "Fine just y'know don't mess with it."

I let out my tail same color as my hair it wasn't as big as ahri's tail but it still was pretty big. She placed her hand againts my tail slowly caressing it. At first I was uncomfortable but I quickly got over it.

Me: "So was my tail as enjoyable as you wanted it to be."

She chilled and nodded petting me my tail instinctually wrapped around her leg she didn't seem to mind and put the blanket over us continuing to pet me. I feel asleep after that.


I sighed knowing it was time for school I was still ensnared in akali's arms not that I really minded. How is she so muscular she has better muscles than me. I run my againts her abdomen she is a really heavy sleeper. I felt her abs and got jealous maybe I should work out more. I could use my clones and gain muscle that way but nah that's cheating. I slithered my way out making sure akali was still comfortable. I head to the shower turning on the warm water It was a soothing feeling relaxing me almost instantly. Today I let my tail out and actually cleaned it combing trough it to get rid of the excess fur.

I step out and see akali still sleeping on my bed a small smile was on my face. I quickly put on some clothes before deciding maybe I won't go to school today I created a clone and sent him off in my stead. I think I would rather spend some time with them than with the school. I got back on my bed laying next to her and hugging her closely. She looked so delicate while asleep I wrap my tail around her holding her close. I close my eyes for awhile thinking to my self about how exactly I'm going to crash their concert before deciding to preform pop/stars with my own little twist added in.

After a few minutes I smell food cooking a few minutes later I hear knocking at my door I let go of akali and teleport to the door opening it.

Kai'sa: "Oh I thought you had school today."

Me: "I do but I sent a clone to do it for me."

Kai'sa: "You don't seem like the type to just not do something yourself."

I notice she didn't stutter once in those sentences.

Me: "I normally would go my self but I wanted to spend some more time with my favorite people in this world."

I smile and hugged kai'sa she had a blush on her face.

Kai'sa: "O-oh well I o-only came to tell akali the food is r-ready."

Me: "There's the cute stutter of yours."

She blushed more and I chuckled at her reaction. I go to wake up akali I lightly shake her

Me: "Akali come on the food is ready."

Akali: "no... five more minutes..."

She mumbled out pulling my face in close to her chest. I mentally sigh I really did not want to do this.

I take in a deep breath and at the top of my lungs.


That almost instantly woke her up


She soon realized it was me and let me go.

Me: "C'mon akali the food is ready"

I smirk deciding to do this my way I pick her up and carry her bridal style while singing.

Here comes the bride

Here comes the bride

Here comes the bride

She looked really flustered I walk in to the living room.

Akali: "Y/n put me down!"

I laughed and quickly let her go she was pouting so cute. I took up ahri's advice and as evelynn was about to pull me in I sat in ahri's lap. She giggled knowing what I was doing. She whispered in my ear

Ahri: "So you took my advice y/n."

My tail wraps around around one of hers and I nod. Her tails quickly wrapped around me and she hugged me. I didn't mind as much as when evelynn does this. I ate my food ahri didn't try to feed me and mostly just held me close. I could see evelynn with a uncomfortable/upset face. Oh yeah I could get used to this.

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